UT AE-MSN 2016

Nursing Students School Programs


Hi all -

Just wondering who else is applying for the AE-MSN program at the University of Texas at Austin. I am applying to the psych NP track and super nervous about it! I know previous applicants did not hear back about interviews until early December and decisions until early February.

Specializes in Private-duty, Med/Surg.
Can any of the Leads interviewees tell me any specific questions they asked? Do they ask you any questions on why you chose the Leads track specifically? Do they ask you about any details from your application, coursework, etc?

Hey markm68.

My interviewer did ask me why I chose the LeaDS track, and I expanded on the answer that I gave in my application personal statement.

My interviewer also told me that she had not looked at my application prior to our interview. She said that the interview was mostly to find out if we are articulate and if we can expand on ideas. She did ask about some of my previous coursework and life experience, but more to discern how it influenced my desire to be a nurse. There was nothing specific like "What grade did you get in your anatomy lab?" or anything like that.

From my experience and from what I have seen others write, I imagine that your interview will be very laid-back. I did not get the sense that my interviewer was trying to trip me up or spring trick questions on me. Honestly, it was a very pleasant conversation, and much like the ones I have been having ALL YEAR with folks when I gush about why I want to be a nurse/go to UT/be on the LeaDS track. If you can clearly explain why you want to be a nurse via the UT LeaDS track, I think you'll do just fine!

Good luck tomorrow!

Hey wee_ramekin,

Thanks so much for replying. I'm actually pretty excited for the interview; from what I've been reading I think it will go pretty well.

Good luck to all interviewing tomorrow!

How did everyone feel about their interviews today? It was cool meeting some of y'all. We had a fairly homogenous demographic this morning, the program must attract certain types. :cat:

I know we won't hear back for a while, but my badger brain can't stop thinking about it!

I felt very good about the interview! It was so very laid back and I got the sense that the interviewers truly were looking at us from the big picture vantage point.

For those who applied for PMHNP with interviews coming up, or lurking for upcoming years;

The information session is comprehensive but intimate, and happens first. This puts you at ease and breaks the ice allowing for some Q&A and a bit more insight than Tracy can offer (not downing the woman, Lord knows I harass her enough).

Group interview is very, very brief. Writing portion happens for half, while the other half interviews individually, and you flip flop. We were given an article and parameters for a response. Approximately 45 minutes allotted.

Individual -- this felt like a conversation peppered with a few job interviewy questions. I got the sense that this varied among interviewees and I bet if you prepared a few anwers you could probably steer the conversation and work them in. I talked so much that I think only two questions were actually asked of me.

Talking numbers, the faculty member that headed the Q&A said 58 applied, 21 were interviewed, and I want to say that there are 14 seats but only 7 are open?? I don't remember why I think this, so if anyone can chime in, please do.. Dept head stated that interviewees were all highly qualified, she made it sound as if it were basically decided that all who came to the campus would likely be offered a spot in LeaDS if NP offer wasn't extended.

I had a great experience. Best to all of you interviewing next week.

Slashdot- RE: spots open- 7 spots open vs. 14 open is probably right- it's probably 7 spots open for AE and 7 spots for "normal" BSN to RN track.

Thats been my understanding from the info sessions and what not so far :)

I have my Leads interview today at 5. Anyone else interviewing today?

I had my interview for Leads on Friday, and it was laid back like all the others described. I only interviewed for half an hour, though. I didn't see anyone else interviewing that day, but I guess the NP interviewees were probably doing their interview sessions at the same time as I had my interview. Now it's only a matter of waiting until February/March, which seems like such a long time.

I ended up switching to the Leads track and chose an interview for today. How long did most of yalls last?

My interview was pretty quick. Lasted maybe 30-35 minutes.

Goodness... Mine lasted 2 hours and I don't know if that is a good thing or bad.

It probably varies by track... Mine was a little over 30 minutes as well. I think the psych np interviews were longer than the other tracks.

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