UPenn Direct Entry BSN/MSN 2015

Nursing Students School Programs


Hi everybody,

I couldn't find a thread for UPenn but is anybody else applying?

Ugh I still have to do financial aid...

I was asked stuff about my volunteering experiences, how I handle stress, why I want to go to east coast instead of staying in California. There were other questions but those were the ones I remember the most.

I got the financial aid stuff done in like 2 days so it's not that bad but takes a little while. Okay thanks for the info! :) At least your interview is over and you can enjoy the holidays.

These questions are REALLY annoying and pointless :/

So we have to pay the fee for CSS even before we find out about the acceptance decisions?

I know right!? Why is their financial aid due so early!?!?

Did anyone get an e-mail about phone interviews yet? I think they might be in finals right now...

I actually gave them a call last week to check-in on the phone interview scheduling--I think they're just a bit backed up with the holidays that take place in the last quarter of the year. My current employer needs me to travel before the holidays, so I wanted to make sure I could make the call. We scheduled it when I checked in with them. Very easy!

Okay thanks for the info. I just e-mailed earlier today so hopefully I can schedule it too.

I just got an e-mail saying that phone interviews will be pushed back to January.

Good luck! You'll probably have different questions than I will :p

Time to submit CSS!

... and spend money to get financial aid? Sheesh...

Hey guys, saw some people wondering why they had to do financial aid so early. The reason is so that they can calculate what grants and loans you will be eligible for by the time you find out if you get in or not to help you decide whether Penn I'd the place for you. I'd definitely say it is worth doing because I got a lot of Grant money. Good luck!

That's good to know! :) Hey, GuiltyLove I tried to private message you back but I don't know if it went through? But anyways here's the link for all the required documents if you were wondering! Financial Aid Checklist for Prospective Undergraduates

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