University of San Francisco Fall 2015 BSN Program

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


Hello everyone!

I created this thread for anyone who applied/applying/got accepted to USF BSN or program. If anyone has any insight, words of wisdom, or anything else that might be useful, it would be much appreciated. Here is a little info about myself to kick this off...

I am currently living in the SF bay area and Im finishing off a few courses before I transfer to a 4 year college next semester. I applied for USF's BSN fall 15 program and here are some of my STATS:

*Academics: I have a 3.8 in my prereqs and a 3.5 (overall) GPA.

*Experience/Volunteer Work: I am a Army veteran with 8 years of experience in health care. ( I have worked in the ICU & ER, at Brooke Army Medical Center for about 6 months. Went on several humanitarian missions which consisted of providing medical aid to rural communities in developing countries. I've also done a tour in Afghanistan, working in a combat support hospital.)

* Personal statement: Writing has never been my strong suit... :-/.. but I wrote it in story format (based on my deployment) and how the values of the military compliment USF's core values.

*Letter of Recommendation: My human anatomy instructor (PhD)

Lastly, I'll keep everyone posted on my application status if any future students want to use this thread as a point of reference.

(I submitted my application yesterday 1/15/15)

Good luck to everyone!!

What school are you coming from??

I'm coming from Petaluma High School! I'm only a high school senior. About an hour away from San Francisco.

And no I actually haven't heard of chabot college. Is it in the bay area?

Oh nice!!! That was a smart choice. I wish I applied out of high school. I went to UCLA for a year thinking I would become a dr then came back and went to chabot. Yes it's in the east bay. Im about 40 min from sf although probably a hour to usf as well. Will you be living in sf? I think I read you had to live on campus right? I'm also a mom now so I'll be commuting if I get in!!

UCLA! Wow, that's amazing. And yes, I'll be living on campus as a freshman. I'm not sure if you're required to live on campus as a freshman. I'm sure you're fine though since you're probably not going in as a freshman.

Also, something I've been trying to figure out, do you have any idea when they let us know about our financial aid?? I can't seem to find this out.... I'm sure it's different for everyone, since some people applied early to the school and people applied for financial aid, but do you have any idea?

Speaking of that I got a very interesting email. It reminded me to apply for financial aid through 2 forms the fafsa and some other scholarship thing. It said the new deadline was feb 15. I'm not admitted but I just assumed that it was a precaution. I already did the fafsa but in looking at the email it was to a person that was not me. I ended up getting another email later that night to myself but I called anyway. They said they had all my information and not to worry. So for you make sure you do your fafsa. The other thing was for freshman applicants as well. I'll tell you what it is once I go look.

College scholarship student profile (css) the schools code is 4850

Yeah I applied for the FAFSA and the CSS profile at the beginning of January luckily!

I emailed them a few days ago asking when I'd hear a response from the school on financial aid but no response yet! I'm hoping I find out soon since I'm about to commit!

Hi everyone! I applied as a transfer student on 01/15. Does anyone know the average number of transfer students they admit?

I applied with a 3.44 prereq. gpa...hoping thats good enough. Although, nothing is really good enough when it comes to such competitive programs.

I've also been actively participating in a hands on internship at a hospital for over a year now.

I dedicated a lot of my essay to my experiences from said internship.

Anyhow, have my fingers crossed for all of us.


Don't worry too much about the gpa. Your experience sound intriguing and they like that! From what I hear they focus more on diverse experiences in general. I don't know how many they admit but I think they have a 20% admittance rate. Yes good luck to us all. From what I saw from last year people were getting letters beginning to mid March.

Thanks StephH11. I saw in previous comments that you received an email reminding you to apply for financial aid. I also got that email but it was for someone else. I figured it was just a mistake so I ignored it. However, last night I came across an email in my Spam folder that was the same financial aid reminder but was in fact for me. It is said the deadline for financial aid was the 15th. Luckily, I had filled out the FAFSA but have not filled out the CCS Profile...? I'm not sure what to do. Did they give you any other information about these emails when you called?

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