University of Oklahoma ABSN 2017

U.S.A. Oklahoma


Hey! I haven't seen a post for this yet, but is anyone out there applying to OU's ABSN program for 2017 matriculation?

@haleyreese23 I think it could be either this week or next. They haven't sent out emails/letters no later than Thanksgiving in a long time. They do that so those who decide to apply for the Traditional have enough time for the January 15th deadline.

I emailed someone today to see how decisions are going. We shall see if they reply back. I'll keep everyone updated.

Glad to see I'm not the only one fretting! I applied to the OKC program. I thought I only had Dev. Psych. left to take in the spring, but apparently US Gov. and US Hist. didn't transfer from my BA, so now I have 3 pre-reqs to take. Anyone know how that might affect me? I think my science and cumulative GPA are competitive-ish (fingers crossed!).

Hear anything back from them today?

I haven't heard anything yet. Maybe tomorrow???

Nothing here yet either, I just keep refreshing the admissions page praying 'pending' turns into 'accepted'. I really hope we find out this week and not next

I have not heard anything. Not sure if that is a good thing or bad. Maybe it means they're still busy making decisions or maybe they're really close to sending out emails. Who knows?

Hey, everybody wake up!!! My Lawton App says "Admitted to another program." Which I'm assuming is positive for my OKC app. But, OKC still says "Pending." Go check your status!

Mine still says pending. So nerve wracking!

Well, since both of our OKC apps say "Pending" then maybe that is a good thing. I looked back at your questions, and personally I would think that having your core science classes completed would be a major plus. The histories are not a big deal, in my mind at least. As long as your GPA and Science #s are good. However, I'm not sure anyone has ever said how they preference unfinished courses. If you read my comment earlier, you'd see that I'm finishing physiology right now.

Tulsa campus app still pending but it sounds like today might be the day!!

Does anybody know the admission stats? Like, percentage applied vs. accepted? I know on the website it shows how many matriculated.

Hey everyone, I also applied for the 2017 ABSN program! The waiting is killing me. I had crummy grades for my bachelor's degree, 2.9 overall but my last 60 is a 3.4 and science GPA is a 4.0. I listed A&P 2 and chemistry as in progress and those will probably be what cost me.

I applied for OKC 1 and Tulsa 2 but they only have my OKC listed and it still says pending.

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