Undecided male nursing student


Hey guys,

I am currently a Sophomore in college and I am on the nursing track. I have a 3.75 GPA and I have to apply to the nursing program at the end of this semester.

My main goal was to become a nurse practitioner, nurse anesthetist, or even a PA. I am however very undecided if I want to go into nursing. I feel like I am going crazy trying to decide what I want to do. I have heard so many horror stories about nursing and it has sent me bad vibes about the profession. My worst fear is going to a job that I hate and am disrespected.

Going to Med school, Dental school and even PT or OT school has crossed my mind too. I am thinking about majoring in biology and minoring in psychology to keep all my doors open. I don't want to cut myself short and go for nursing when I think I am capable of becoming a doctor. However, the time commitment and money scares me too about medical school.

I am also in the Honors program, a fraternity, and a member of the Medical careers society. I have talked to many advisors and counselors and they all tell me to shadow and find what I like the best. I was wondering if you guys think doing nursing is a good option for me. I also love traveling and want to study abroad while I'm young.

Specializes in ED, Medicine, Case Management.

"I don't want to cut myself short and go for nursing when I think I am capable of becoming a doctor."

Perhaps this isn't the best choice of wording when appealing to a community of nurses about whether or not you should pursue a career in nursing...

Shadow and interview some medical professionals, do some research, and analyze at your interests. Each profession has its pluses and minuses. Good luck to you.

Specializes in Critical Care, Education.

Sorry, but you really dug your own hole on that one. Your comments appear to support the idea that nursing is a "lesser" career... not nearly as prestigious. If this is the way you feel, please do not pursue nursing.

BTW, a lot of us are doctors.... we refer to 'those guys' as physicians.

Specializes in Emergency.

Lol. Don't go to nursing school!

Specializes in Pediatrics.

Doesn't sound like you would be very happy with nursing...?

Specializes in Cath/EP lab, CCU, Cardiac stepdown.

nursing should never be a back up plan, you do it like that and the odds are you're going to regret it.

And contrary to belief, nurses aren't failed doctors. I don't think it was your intention but that is an insult to nurses who are respected professions who play an integral part of healthcare

Specializes in CEN, CFRN, PHRN, RCIS, EMT-P.

Please everyone don't scold the kid for stating what he did, the reality is that society has this preconceived notion that being a Physician is more than being a Nurse, perhaps the 10 years it takes to be a physician with a specialty outweighs the two years a person needs to invest in school for an ADN. Call me crazy but you have to be really dense to not understand where the OP is coming from.....yes, I am a proud nurse but if I had to do it again Id be a proud physician, unfortunately I miss the boat on that one.

I'm sorry I didnt mean to offend any nurses. My mom is a OB/GYN nurse and I have great respect for nurses and their profession. I simply meant that I think I have the capability to do other things as well ( I have an interest in basically every healthcare job and cant make up my mind) Nursing appeals to me due to the great pay, flexibility, and opportunities to advance in education. I am just not sure if I want to be a CRNA, NP, PA, MD, Dentist, PT or OT. The problem for me is that they all sound great with pros and cons and I can't make up my mind. Time is running short because I have to declare my major next year and I'm currently doing the nursing route. I'm thinking I should do nursing and see how it goes. I know if i took physics and organic chem at a CC I would have all the classes needed for OT, PT, MD, Dental school. I would have a great job as a nurse if too I stick with it, compared to not having a job if I major in Bio.

I feel you man, my mother is an LPN as of now and my sister is a CNA. I've seen them go-to and from work, and hear about the horrible stuff they have to do and how they don't always enjoy it! I'm at a CC right now, and I declared Nursing as my major a year and a half ago and I am now set to begin my ADN schooling this Spring. My first semester I was bobbling between majoring in Biology with a possibility of going Pre-Med, than I shuffled into Nursing. I weighed my options that majoring in a topic like Biology is not bad, but deep down I did not feel like I would ENJOY it enough to put all my effort into as a major nor a job dealing with it everyday. So I went something more career driven like Nursing, which will hopefully get me a good paying job and I have a lot of flexibility after I graduate with my RN to where I want to continue next in my Nursing career. All I can say is, follow your heart and whatever you choose stick to it! Goodluck bruh

ALSO, don't do Nursing ONLY for the money I know I have not even began nursing school or have worked in the field yet. I'm pretty sure I wouldn't do this just for the paycheck, because we are dealing with peoples lives once we begin to practice Nursing. I've always seen myself as a pretty upstanding, generous, caring person also I have a lot of patience so I feel I can be a very good Nurse in the future. In HS I was always thinking I wanted to be in the medical field, because that's all I really took interested in, nothing else not computers, engineering, business just the medical field.

Your best bet is to spend sometime shadowing the different professions that you may be interested in doing. Talk to professionals in the field and find out what exactly their job entails, what type of schooling that you will need and even what the cost of achieving that education is going to cost, and how that may or may not be a factor for you.

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