UNC ABSN applicants - Spring 2014

U.S.A. North Carolina


Hi everyone,

I wanted to start a thread for those of us applying for UNC's ABSN program starting in January 2014. There is another thread on here, but it looks like it's only about Duke's applicant pool. I know the application isn't due until August 10th, but when I applied to Duke for the fall I found talking to others in the same situation helped with my nerves! :)

I hope everyone's application is going well so far! Let's keep each other updated on how things are going throughout the process and share information as we go. Good luck to everyone!!

Just checked.. And I got waitlisted :/

Yes, mine was posted on MyUNC. Don't click the button! Haha! Honestly, I knew it was very competitive and that no one is a shoe-in. But it does make me wonder what they are looking for in an applicant. I have grades above the average of what they accepted last year. I have volunteering and worldly experiences (lived in Germany for 3 years and have traveled all over). I have an advanced degree and major grants and scholarships that I won for my previous education... Also, an acquaintance of mine, who is now a NP and went to Duke, was a retired Navy Seal and had straight A's in all of his college work, didn't get in either. So, if you know the secrets, please pass them along for the others to benefit from. This was my only shot as my husband is military and will probably be moving in December next year as it is. So, for now I'll have to see where we head next and look for a new program.

@Casey N. Yeah I know.. I don't know what there looking for either, honestly. I mean I had grades well within the accepted range and also volunteer and healthcare experience.. So who knows. The waitlist thing said it was unranked and that they would review things once they figured out how many would accept a spot, i just wish i knew how long that would take to find out. This is the only school I had applied to this time, I was previously accepted to another school but didn't get enough in financial aid to cover expenses so this is my only oppourtunity in going since I can't apply else where cause I would be an out of state student and I already have expense from doing that for my first degree

Booo, I don't like reading all this bad news! If nursing is what you really want to do (which it obviously is), don't be discouraged and keep trying! I remember reading that they get 200-300 applications each cycle and only choose 64, so keep your head up!

It seems strange that they're not releasing all the bad notifications at once. That makes me really nervous! I may be reading my own words of encouragement soon...

I checked at 11 and that's when it finally was posted.. I click on something and had to accept a spot on the waitlist but It said the list was unranked and that they would reevaluate once they new how many open spots they had after the number of those who were accepted actually accepted a spot into the class.. I just hope I hear good news soon.

Has anyone been accepted yet?

Specializes in Coronary Care.

Mine still says decison not yet available ..haven't checked the mail yet either.

Just got the mail- I was accepted! Good luck everyone!

Just got the mail- I was accepted! Good luck everyone!

Congratulations!!!! I don't get out from work until 730 tonight. I don't know if I can wait that long!!! I will be running to the mailbox first thing. Curious, was it a large package or just a small letter? and has your myunc updated yet? Congratulations again! :)

Ah so exciting. My letter was in a 5x7 envelope and my myunc has not been updated yet- I saw on past forums that it is not updated for a few days after the letter is received. Good luck!!! :)

Specializes in Coronary Care.


Yay! Congratulations! I won't get home until after 5 - now I'm super nervous. Do you both live in Chapel Hill?

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