U.S.A. Maryland


I will be applying for the Fall 2011 program at UMB really really soon. I was wondering if anyone else was doing the same...? I'm really nervous about applying because Anatomy really kicked my butt last semester and I ended up getting a C (even though I ended up doing really well on my other science courses). Now, I'm losing hope. Anyone feeling the same?

Specializes in Obstetrics.

Just checked...I am in too! YAY! :yeah: Keeping my fingers crossed for everyone else! :)

yay! I keep checking it again to make sure its for real lol

Specializes in Obstetrics.
Just checked...I am in too! YAY! :yeah: Keeping my fingers crossed for everyone else! :)

Forgot to add..I am a military applicant so this is only half of the process for me. I still have to get approved to attend school...won't find out that part until early June....I was approved last year but the schools I applied to waitlisted then denied me. We'll see what happens....

Wow congrats guys! I'm still committee ready so looks like I didn't get in. Pretty disappointed. Wanted it so bad. but congrats to everyone who got in!

Specializes in Obstetrics.
Wow congrats guys! I'm still committee ready so looks like I didn't get in. Pretty disappointed. Wanted it so bad. but congrats to everyone who got in!

NOT necessarily...I thought another post said that decisions would be released as they were made? This may stagger them. Seems like they are updating statuses as we speak. Don't give up yet!

looking at some other posts from before, some people didn't find out they got in until weeks after the first batch found out. there are also people that decline acceptance and that slot then goes on to other applicants. I'm pulling for all of you!

Yeah I'll try to keep that in mind, but its hard. I've worked really hard. For those that got in do you mind posting if you had a 4.0 gpa or if you're still in your last pre-reqs? Just curious. Again congrats to those of you that got in!

I have been following the messages since November, but this is my first post. My status has changed to Decision-Admit. Very exciting!

my gpa was not 4.0, neither was my science gpa. I believe someone who was accepted in a previous year got in with like a little over 3.0 gpa, so as long as you meet the requirements, they will look at and evaluate your entire application.

I have been following the messages since November, but this is my first post. My status has changed to Decision-Admit. Very exciting!

congrats to you!!!:)

There is still alot of time between today and the lastweek of august, so don't fret about today.

Admissions staff are updating the status of applicants right now and starting to make calls. Best of luck to all!!

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