UFV January 2016 Hopeful Applicants!

World Canada CA Programs



I am just finishing up my prereqs this semester and will have everything ready to go after I get my marks back from finals in a few weeks. I am excited/nervous! I am 24 and have been working at an eye surgery office for the past almost 4 years so have lots of hours to apply with. I feel old...! But I know in the big picture life is just beginning! Anybody else applying for the January 2016 intake? Or has anyone applied before and have any tips?

Thanks guys and good luck!! :)

Do you guys know if they calculate your gpa based on the Math, chem, Eng and Bio pre reqs or if they use your post secondary gpa? Because my gpa for the high school courses is 3.7 based on a calculator I used on the UFV website.

Your GPA is based on your pre-reqs. So English 12, Bio 12, Chem 11 and Math 11. If you have taken a these courses at a uni level i.e. Eng105 and your mark is better, I believe they will look at that instead. They would likely look at whatever mark was higher and base it that way. I am not 100% sure on that so it may be worth sending an email.

Jennicole did you get an interview?!

I haven't heard about an interview yet.

i think my GPA is around 3.6

has anyone else heard yet? Most likely won't hear anything until Monday now.

Okay, thank you! I will definitely give them a call or send an email. Thanks again!

HI, I following this forum from the beginning.

This is my second time applying and last year due to less GPA I didn't even make it up to orientation.but then I upgraded biology 12 and finally I attended orientation last Tuesday. I am eagerly waiting for interview now as well.

They really do need to open up more spots!! I guess it's all based on spots for the clinicals?

We have all worked so hard and want it so bad!! Anything above a 3GPA is awesome!! Another 20 spots per intake would be awesome!!

So you need a average of about 78 percent to get invited?

Has anyone else heard about interviews?

what was your average percentage for all of your 4 pre reqs?

Nope not me.

Still waiting, hopefully this week:-))í ½í¸€

My average is 82.75 for my 4 pre reqs and I didn't get an invitation to the info session.

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