2010 - UCSF / Stanford RN Residency Interview?

U.S.A. California



I applied for RN residencies at both UCSF and Stanford during the week of May 10th, 2010. I wanted to hear from anyone who has applied to either program AND has been contacted by a recruiter. Or from anyone who knows for certain (i.e., you work there) when theses decisions will be made. I am a fairly strong candidate and would like to believe I am in the running for a position--but who knows really? I will post if and when I hear anything.

Best of luck.

I just had my panel interview this past wed for SHC. has anyone heard back from any of the managers for a one on one? do you by when they said we had to hear back?? i'm so nervous, i heard they only have ten spots open :(

They told me during my panel on Wednesday that we would be hearing back within 10-14 days via e-mail and that they would notify us either way. They said that there's a small chance that they'd be able to let us know sooner, but they aren't promising anything :/ so we'll seeeee..10 spots is such a small number! Especially since they panel interviewed approx. 100..yikes! What units did you pick as your top preferences?!

i said cardiac intensive care..ugh i actually got a job offer in a hospital in so cal, but i'm kinda waiting on stanford to see if i move on in the process..i hope i don't miss out on my one and only opportunity ..esp in this job economy ...what about u? what unit did you put as your preference?

I said Cardiac ICU as well! But I also said Oncology..I'd love either one. Ugh, that's such a tough position to be put in! I feel like I might be in the same place as you within the next week..I had an interview at another hospital several weeks ago and I feel really good about it, so I don't know what I'll do if they offer me the position, because I want to hear from Stanford..it's such a tough gamble..I wish that all of the hospitals that you apply for would tell you their decision at one time hahaha..when do you have until you have to make a decision about the socal hospital?

I'm not sure because they gave me the unofficial hire but said HR is gonna give the official hire prob on tuesday...i'm hoping they let me give them a week to decide whether or not i take it..hopefully i hear from stanford by then the yes or the no :(

Yeah, I hope so too! My friends that are already employed said that they have been given a week to decide...well good luck! Hopefully we will hear from them soon..let me know what ends up happening! :)

oh man a week is not enough..haha..yeah thanks i'll let you know..and you too lemme know when you hear from stanford.

Has anyone received news from LPCH or Stanford?

I was selected for a one on one interview with Lucile Packard. I interviewed with a unit manager last week on the 22nd. I won't hear back till the beginning of August if I got the position or not for that particular unit.

I also have another interview with LPCH tomorrow for a different unit. Wish me luck!

Good luck!!! That's so wonderful that 2 units are interested in you! :yeah:

Hi Northbay... what unit did you get hired for? I will be interviewing with Hematology/Oncology tomorrow!!

how did the interview go?

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