Nursing Students School Programs


Hey, I am currently getting ready to apply to the UCLA MECN program. I went to UCLA yesterday to meet with the nursing advisor and since I have 2 C's, one in psych and one in Stats, she advised me to repeat one of them because I can't have more than one C on my transcripts. I plan on taking Micro this fall. In terms of work experience, I work with an agency facilitating care for end of life patients. I really want to get into the UCLA program but I will also be applying to CSULA, CSUN, CSUCI, CSUSM and USF, Western and

Anyway, I just wanted to create a thread for those applying same time as I so we can discuss. Fyi I will be attending the info session on July 26!

I really want to specialize though so I'm kind of bummed that the MECN doesn't offer a specialty, I would have to do a post-masters program.

How many classes can you have in progress when applying?

If a class is repeated, do they average the two or disregard the lower grade totally?

How much is the program in total?

Do MECN graduates make more in terms of salary than BSNs?


Tell us about UCLA by visiting University of California (UCLA) School of Nursing | Peer Reviews.

its up to you who you use... They did say at the info session that if the person says they know you as a friend it will hurt you.

I'm using a Nurse Practitioner I work with in the ER, a Chief Nursing Officer, and the Regional director of the Clinical Care Extender program that I volunteer through


the lawyer is my boss( for 2 yrs)

so I'm using my supervisor at a hospital I volunteered for 14months, my speech professor in school and either my lawyer boss or my sociology professor.

Regarding the prereq form on the application:

AP Credit:

Does anyone know how to properly input prereq coursework completed by way of Advanced Placement (AP) classes? Wanted to check with you guys before I pester the admissions folks. I'm thinking we enter the equivalent college course that we placed out of (supported with transcript documentation); the grade earned would be "P" for passing. Does anyone know for sure?

In-progress classes:

Also -- for coursework in progress, do we enter "12/31/2016" for the "Date completed" field?

Thanks everyone.

@madninjaskills... AP classes?? well you probably have to contact them and ask about that... make sure your AP class r legit.... when it comes to your "in progress" class/prerequisites... as long you put the date and mail them your grade before jan 15... you will get an email from them to remind you to mail your grade before jan 15....

@amzytubies.. regarding about the lawyer?? as long he/she can provide some information or back it up some facts that you can be a nurse.. why not .... just remember.... they need to mention/inform/convince the school that you have "it"... meaning.. qualities,knowledge and skills etc.... so i suggest that you send them your SOP to your references so that they have a clue about your goals and plans...

Is anyone else having a hard time accessing the application? Im able to get on but not able to see the application I have in progress. The address keeps saying "desk not live."

Hey there!

In your opinion, what would you say a lot of healthcare experience means? I work as an assistant to a pediatric ophthalmologist for the past year and a half and I also have volunteered at two hospitals ( St Johns now UCLA CE) for the past year and a half. I guess it is a fairly subjective question and hard to tell!

BTW, Last year I applied to UCLA MECN and was waitlisted (25, just barely did not make it and here were my stats at the time I applied)

BS Food Science

Minor in Business

My undergrad GPA was 3.6, my last 60-90 GPA is around 3.7

Prereqs ~3.7

Volunteer work at St Johns for about 5 months

Not a very strong statement of purpose

I also had 3 prereq classes not completed at the time of application submission, but finished anatomy in December 2015 so I had two incomplete at the time the decisions were made (Physio & Epi)

I have a lot a lot a lot a lot of leadership experience through various things in college (President, VP, team captain, Recruitment Supervisor, etc)

Hope this helps anyone!

Does anyone know if "Personal History Statement" on the application page is also required for us?

It is not listed as one of the required items on their Nursing school website, but it wasn't in the "NOT required" section either!

I'm curious too. The prompts for the Personal History Statement and the Statement of Purpose sections on the app sounds like the MECN prompt listed on the website itself. I'm hoping it's just one essay we need to submit instead of two.

remember theres no interview. so if UCLA said, write this and that. just do it. If you really wanna go to UCLA. it is what it is. you have few weeks to write a personal history statement not a research paper. this is grad school anyways, writing is a must.

sounds like this might be a "stress" test for applicants. lets see who can handle it. so have fun and bring it.

Just submitted my application :wideyed:

one of my recommenders has already completed the recommendation. It's going to be a long 4-5 months!

Hello guys/applicants

while you guys are waiting for the app to open, pls don't forget to edit your essay. Let some people read it, your boss/professors or even your classmates. Remember theres no interview, so....that statement/essay is your ticket to UCLA. Make sure its remarkable and outstanding essay. So good luck and have fun.

BTW.. if you have any questions feel free to holler.. I just started my cohort.

Hey Angel2016, thanks for your post. I was wondering if you could speak to a question I posted earlier in the thread -- I'm writing my SOP and I am worried that I am not being specific enough in my career goals. I know what kind of nurse I want to be and WHY I want to be a nurse but I'm not sure about the exact population I want to work with. Do you think this hurts me? Do you have any advice? Thanks so much!

Just FYI, Rhonda said about the Statement of Purpose and Personal History Statement:

"You are only required to submit the Statement of Purpose. The Personal History Statement is not necessary."

Does anyone know when the last day to submit LOR is? Thanks and goodluck everyone!

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