UCF Fall 2012

U.S.A. Florida


Hi! I just wanted to start a thread for everyone that is applying for UCF's BSN program which will begin this Fall, 2012. I think this would be a great place for everyone to share their concerns, nerves about waiting, or questions. :)

So, how is everyone? Which campus are you applying to?

Hi guys. I applied to the nursing program at UCF with a 3.9 gpa and 84 on the TEAS. I really hope I get in because I had a list of schools I would apply to but things didn't work out and I was only able to apply to UCF. If I don't get in then I have to take a year off

Looks like I'm good to go for my UCF application, but I'm going to have to retake the TEAS to apply for the SSC/UCF concurrent program. My friend sent me a study guide (ATI book) and my head hurts already!

Stats for my UCF 2012 admission though are 3.51 GPA and 90.6 TEAS. Two unexpected prerequisites left to finish. Taking them at SSC. Already took the classes, but they weren't exactly what UCF was looking for.

Curious what everyone else is applying with. Anyone out there want to share?

Hi everyone! I've been following this page for a little while now. I've applied to the fall basic orlando program. I'm currently a sophomore at UCF, finishing up classes for my psych minor.

I have a 3.81 GPA and a 92% TEAS V score. SO anxious! I haven't applied to anywhere else, and plan to apply to one of the concurrent programs if I don't get in.

Good luck to everyone else on here! :)

I am also very anxious and can't believe we still have to wait about six weeks! I'm glad we can all relate to each other. Lindsey, I'm also a sophomore at UCF and only applied to UCF. I am considering the concurrent program as a back up plan too. mpredrox, I am also worried about the possibility of not being accepted and therefore, concerned about the upcoming year too. Jerricaberri, glad your application is good to go; the ATI study guide is overwhelming, but very helpful!

I applied with an overall 3.94 GPA and 90.2% on TEAS V. We all have some outstanding GPA's and TEAS scores. We should be very proud of ourselves; I know we've worked very hard! :)

Good luck again everyone, fingers crossed, and keep us all posted throughout this process and decisions.

I hope that this thread also becomes useful to everyone that gets accepted to UCF as a way to communicate about orientation and ensure everything is completed and prepared before the start of the program.

Hey guys! I'm a sophomore at ucf and also applied to the basic bsn program.

I applied with an overall 3.97 GPA and a 88% on the TEAS.

The wait is killing meeee! good luck to everyone! :redbeathe

Wow girls, you are good! all of you have pretty high scores. I have mentioned this earlier in the thread, but my GPA is only 3.5 because back when I started taking classes I didn't speak much English. For the same reason the TEAS score is 80. At least science GPA is 4.0 :) I worked hard to get there. Can't wait to hear back from UCF CON. Good luck

Specializes in Geriatrics and Trauma Unit Volunteering.

I would agree with the impressive stats! Right now I'm also waiting on my response from UCF as well. I need to take a one unit nutrition course to meet requirements for the program. Pretty nervous about the wait for this school as well.

We're on the same boat! English isn't my 1st language either.... I have a GPA 4.0, TEAS V 77, and finished generic prereqs by Fall 2010. I'm applying for the Generic Program for a second time (first was spring 2010 and couldn't get in!). Wish they would give privilege to those who apply more than once... Sadly that is not the case.

TEAS IV is easier but also scores that are accepted tend to be different from the scores of TEAS V. TEAS V Study wasn't helpful on my 1st attempt and some questions were not in it!



i just sent my application for fall 2012 basic bsn at ucf!! so nervous and excited!! :)

i'll be sending mine (ssc only app) next week! i wasn't accepted spring 2012...

I just submitted my application, too. It's going to be a loooong couple of weeks waiting now. Hope it goes by quickly! Best of luck to everyone! :)

Does anyone know how many the applicant pool is yet? Dropped off concurrent app at SSC yesterday and there was not very many applicants. I was just wondering if it is an overall drop in the number of nursing apps, or if it was because the application period at SSC was a month earlier this year.

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