UCF 2013 Fall-Orlando generic BSN applicants?

U.S.A. Florida


Starting a thread for others applying to this program!

I hate to bring up such a sad topic, but the terror attacks at the Boston marathon yesterday moved me on a new, extra level. Knowing that I'm soon to start my journey to become a nurse made it feel all the more real that I too will one day be responsible for people's lives. The medical professionals involved are all heroes, and this made me even more determined to get the best nursing education possible.

Let the tragedy be a reminder of why we're all here!

That's exactly what I thought too. Wishing I was there to help treat the victims and make them feel as comfortable as possible. :(

Specializes in DNP Student.

it's true, it's a horrible shame. my heart goes out to those people. all they wanted to do was run. or cheer on a runner. i participate in events like that and usually it's so heartening to see how people care for one another there. to think that someone targeted an event like that just boggles the mind. i really hope they get some leads on who is responsible. thank goodness more people weren't hurt.

I agree with you completely. There are a lot of nurses taking care of all those injured people in Boston. It makes me that much more compelled to follow my dream of being a nurse and thankful to be safe with my family. It was an unfortunate event and I hope whoever was responsible comes forward and takes consequences for what took place.

Hrsa is intimidating to me but I guess it can't hurt to try!

It's due really soon too and it sucks you wouldn't find out if you get it until after school starts

Yeah, I will apply but definitely won't hold my breath for that one.

Boston makes me wonder where our country will be two years from now.. I think we take it for granted how privileged we are and although there is plenty of war and strife throughout the world we rarely see any of it on the home front. There are people who deal with loss like this on a regular basis. I want to hope that this is just a random act of violence and not part of some elaborate terrorist scheme, especially with what's going on in Korea. But in our (hoped for) profession we should anticipate the worst and plan accordingly. We never know when conflict might come our way!

I agree with all of you. Such a horrific tragedy, it should inspire us to keep pushing and working toward our dream guys!!!! Life is too short!! Take advantage of every opportunity! I hope we are blessed come this Friday. We will ALL make great nurses one day!

Yes. Hopefully we can all see each other in the program :) I feel like every one of you on here would make an amazing cohort even though we all have not met face to face

msfrance! I don't know if you're still reading this but I think I was in your interview group! I remember you talking about how you sewed the shirt you were wearing and I thought that it was so original and was great that you showed your personality! haha apologies if I seem creepy for coming in so late but I was excited to find someone from my group here :). I was the one sitting across the table from the four of you!

msfrance! I don't know if you're still reading this but I think I was in your interview group! I remember you talking about how you sewed the shirt you were wearing and I thought that it was so original and was great that you showed your personality! haha apologies if I seem creepy for coming in so late but I was excited to find someone from my group here :). I was the one sitting across the table from the four of you!

Whoa that's so awesome! I'm glad you thought I showed my personality! I thought you seemed super sweet. I actually liked you the best out of our group. (:

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