UCF 2013 Fall-Orlando generic BSN applicants?

U.S.A. Florida


Starting a thread for others applying to this program!

You're so kind! Thank you :) Best of luck to you and everyone here! Does anyone else feel like this is the slowest week of our lives? Waiting for a decision has me jumping every time my phone beeps that I have a new email (even though I know not to expect anything until Friday) :sarcastic:

I really hope we will hear by Friday guys!! :( I can't take the waiting any more!!! I'm just so anxious to know, actually I don't even want to know haha. I just hope for good news..

I've been feeling the same. The clock just moves so slow. My man said he will take me out if we find out Friday; good news to celebrate or bad news just as a date haha

That's nice of him :) every day that gets closer, I don't want to know but at the same time they need to hurry and tell us!!' Been preparing how to act if it's a no :( I'm worried about my overall of 3.64

Just praying for good news !

Yes, he's wonderful :) this has been the longest week of my life so far. I want Friday to come!!! I don't know if I'll be able to handle waiting possibly another week, might go crazy. I know when we do get those emails I'm going to take a deep breath and try to calm down before I open it and read it.

Hahaha I know. That's awesome to have such a great support system! Luckily, I have one of my own too! :) took me out for drinks after the interview haha!

Also, I know if you get an acceptance email, the "subject" is labeled "congratulations!"

So that would give it away :)

Well there goes that idea haha

Haha! Last time when I saw my email for the interview, I saw "UCF nurse" "invitation to interview" and my heart started pounding out of my chest before I opened the email!! Lol

Yeah I was really surprised when I got the interview email too. I thought I might have a chance but it was so surreal to still get invited. Makes me feel like all this stress and hard work might pay off

That's exactly how I felt!! And like we said earlier, I kept looking at it over and over

Haha! Gives us hope, huh?

I keep getting discouraged when u guys say ur TEAS score because mine is so low! But I keep thinking I was chosen out of 452 applicants. That's a milestone in itself!

Wednesday! Day 5 of waiting.. Thinking I would look really cute in those new uniforms :) It would be my first time in scrubs!

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