UALR Nursing Program Applicant 2016

U.S.A. Arkansas


Just applied for the Summer 2016 AAS-RN program. Long wait until March to find out whether I am have been accepted or not. Thought I would get a thread started for this years applicants!

I probably got declined. Called them yesterday and the lady was of absolutely no help. "You'll probably hear something soon..." Ugh. Thanks a lot UALR. Dreams flushed down the toilet. I have a 4.0 in pre-reqs. Graduated with honors in LPN school. But I guess that doesn't matter.

Don't say that, you have to encourage yourself! From old threads, LPN-RN track got their acceptance letters last, so its not over

I know its hard, But we all have to stay positive....I havent heard anything yet with my acceptance. But we all have to look at things come in due time. If someone or myself dont make it this time.. It just means it wasnt our time for it. I want to obtain my RN license but I also have a plan B, if my Rn plan is not my purpose.....I just wanted to share some encouragement to those that may need it...and PLease remember that everything happens for a reason. I wish everyone the best of Luck in the future!

For those that are still waiting for their letters, please don't lose hope. The deadline they said is still 15th of this month. So just keep praying and keep ur fingers crossed. And I got my acceptance in my personal email and the school email. I saw my acceptance email in my trash folder the morning of the 5th. I must have mistakenly deleted it the night of 4th because I always receive a lot of junk in my email. So when I came on here and I saw that ppl have been receiving their letters, and I have checked my inbox and spam, that was when I checked my trash folder. They sent me an email at 7:15pm. That's what happened. I would have missed it if I didn't check my trash folder.

You guys need to really calm down. I know it's hard, but let's be honest. Your gpa's are really good, you have your pre-reqs, and some of you are already LPN's. Unless any of you have had some trouble with the law in the past or hardly have any of your pre-reqs completed, then you are probably fine. Have some confidence in yourself, your letter will be here soon. Also, remember that if you applied to both the traditional program and the accelerated program then they may be waiting to see how many spots are left open to bump you up to accelerated. There is still a lot of time left until the fifteenth so rest assured.

Anyone have any luck today ?

Specializes in long term care.

None! Although a lady in a class I'm taking. Stated she got accepted but she didn't say when. Then goes to say oh well their suppose to send out rejections and wait listed letters soon. :cautious: I was shocked. Why not be positive about the situation. And say something like. You still have until the 15th or something. Because I seen where they have a May class and I believe July class. So as long as haven't received anything that's still great news!!

None! Although a lady in a class I'm taking. Stated she got accepted but she didn't say when. Then goes to say oh well their suppose to send out rejections and wait listed letters soon. :cautious: I was shocked. Why not be positive about the situation. And say something like. You still have until the 15th or something. Because I seen where they have a May class and I believe July class. So as long as haven't received anything that's still great news!!

I honestly don't think she knows what she is talking about. Sorry someone said that to you. That was uncalled for. If you don't work for UALRs nursing department, then you have no right to comment on things you don't know about. Everyone stay positive!

That lady is just cruel. Lol yes I have heard if we get waitlisted we will be doing the July nurse 1301.

Specializes in long term care.
I honestly don't think she knows what she is talking about. Sorry someone said that to you. That was uncalled for. If you don't work for UALRs nursing department, then you have no right to comment on things you don't know about. Everyone stay positive!

Thanks am I going to stay positive. At first I was freaking out. Now I'm calm and just praying for the best. Heck I don't mind even being wait listed as long as I get accepted.

I promise you will be fine! :) This was my second year to apply and I finally got in. I honestly think you guys just haven't received your letter yet. I got mine last Monday around 6:45 pm so it may be that they have a schedule for sending letters out.

My sister hasn't received her letter yet. I know it's frustrating considering some of us have received ours. Remain hopeful. When I went to the advising session, (MODERATOR EDIT OF NAME) said if you have over a 3.0 you have a good chance of getting in . Hang tight , at least y'all will know something this week. I hope everyone is accepted.

My sister hasn't received her letter yet. I know it's frustrating considering some of us have received ours. Remain hopeful. When I went to the advising session, (MODERATOR EDIT OF NAME) said if you have over a 3.0 you have a good chance of getting in . Hang tight , at least y'all will know something this week. I hope everyone is accepted.

That's the same thing (MODERATOR EDIT OF NAME) told me too and I got in. Have you looked at the Facebook page at all?

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