UALR Nursing Program Applicant 2016

U.S.A. Arkansas


Just applied for the Summer 2016 AAS-RN program. Long wait until March to find out whether I am have been accepted or not. Thought I would get a thread started for this years applicants!

Specializes in Education, FP, LNC, Forensics, ED, OB.

Gentle TOS reminder:

Please do not give out personal identifying information about yourself or others. Do not name names where anyone could identify any person in any facility including your nursing programs or place of employment.

Thanks and good luck to all.

I know this comment is out there and crazy. But most people I know who have not received a letter have high GPA'S like I said above. It would make sense for a school to fill the first summer class with mostly lower GPA'S as they are the ones most likely to fail out. If you filled the first summer class with all 3.8, 4.0 students. Chances are almost all pass. This would leave the lower GPA students taking the second summer class and making it harder for the school to predict filling all the seats in the fall. Let's face it school's are about making the most money possible. Everyone knows nursing school is no joke. Having the higher risk students start first. Not only allows them to predict filling the program this fall. It also nets them more money as people fail and quit. I will now take my tin foil hat off and wish everyone luck including myself left scratching my head. I'm sure there is a reason and we just don't understand.

No what is on the Facebook page?

I'm not sure. Apparently there is one though. Lol

Oh I searched it. There's no information on it.

That comment was so unnecessary. You are too stuck on your "high" GPA. Let's be honest they are only calculating certain grades that you have. So everyone has a good shot at having a high GPA. At this point if you have over a 3.0 it shouldn't matter what your GPA is. I'm sure you are going to get accepted . Everyone is aware of your "high" GPA already, no need to keep throwing that out there. I mean I have a 3.4. What's 4 or 5 pts when we still going to end up in the same track. í ½í¸’

Oh ok then. I guess maybe they just meant a general page for ualr nursing.

I feel like midnight insulted me haha. But on a real note that makes no sense that would risk leaving the highest GPA students that earned it more not getting in for lower people. Might as well draw straws

I'll take lazy but not high risk of failing lol.3.6 associate of science 3.22 pre req. Not the best but my last three classes were micro bio. Chem and a and p 2 and I hardly cracked a book. That being said I missed two A's by point 1 of a percent. I took my hint and payed for it worrying on the nursing letter. Did anyone email advisor like I suggested I'm curious to this myself.

Quite honestly, I think that the committee has already figured out who are filling the 200 spots, who will be wait-listed, and who will be receiving rejection letters. I don't think that they are just going to admit the lower gpas first all based on the presumption that they will fail out, leaving spots for higher ranking gpas. That's just ludicrous. That wouldn't be fair to those who are ranked higher in the admission process due to gpa. There are other factors like pre-reqs completed and priority based on when your application was received. Plus, there are several people who have been accepted with high ranking gpas. It doesn't even matter what criteria they use and honestly who cares? What matters as soon as we begin the program is how hard we are willing to work to become the best and most well-trained we can be; not about pre-requisite gpas and pass/fail statistics associated with them. It is right to say that typically higher gpas have a higher probability to succeed, but correlation is not causation. Let's be smart and choose how we speak wisely.

I'm going to stay positive and wait patiently, hopefully I will here something soon.

Hopefully tomorrow will be the day for those who have not received anything yet!

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