TWU Spring 2010 Houston Regular Program

U.S.A. Texas


I think it is time we get our own thread for those of us who have been accepted to TWU's Houston program and plan to attend. :D

Wat do u mean from the spring?next spring? No u can only take one class from the fall since u know u have to pass all the classes from the previous semester to move on so u can only choose for those 3. Two credit courses we have to have in the fall

i mean, would i be able to take one of the 2 hour classes from Fall 2010 schedule AND take 2 hour nursing elective from Spring 2011 for THIS summer?

Oh noo I don't think but I dunno cuz u have to pass every class in order to move on to the next semester.each semester is a prerequisite for the next so they wought let us take a class this summer that is for next spring if we haven't even started the fall semester.That's y we can either take the nursing elective either the spring or the following summer.That would be kool though if we can haha

On the day of our first orientation, I asked a professor who said we can only take one class for one summer. I think I will ask again to clarify cause I want to take more than one to save the time during regular semester.

yeah i bought all my books too except the physical examination and health assessment we need the book, a cd, and a lab manuel for that right?

andd whyy does it keep saying on blackboard that im not enrolled in any classes yet? is it cus i havent paid yet?

Did u buy ur books online or the bookstore? I usually buy my books online but I probably ganna just have to pay more an buy them at the bookstore.

yes my blackboard also says i am not enrolled in any classes...i guess its cuz we haven't paid yet.. i dunno but it says my registration was complete so i know im registered at least. does anyone know if we can bring someone with us on the 14th?

Yeah,alot of people on here say that's what is says when they open blackboard that they are not enrolled and I don't know why it says that.I know my blackboard is available because I was taking my multicultural woman's class online using blackboard.

I'm sure you can alot of people brought their parents with them to the advisement session

actually i bought my books from a friend who was at twu last semester, but the couple of books i didnt get from her im gooing to buy online.

Hey guys.The hold has finally been taken off my account, so I registered this morning.I'm taking my multicultural woman's studies class right now,and we use blackboard.But, now I can see our fundamentals of nursing/Concepts and Clinical competencies course. His blackboard is available with some class information for next semester course with the syllabus,clinicals,care plans, etc for this semester to get a feel for this class.

hey mau00, i was wondering if you could also send me info that you may have. i already paid for tuition but i still don't have anything on blackboard. you could just pm me. thanks in advance! =D

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