TWU Spring 2010 Dallas regular program

U.S.A. Texas


Moving this thread from the TWU 2010 spring hopefuls for those of us who were accepted. This one is specifically for people planning to attend the regular program in Dallas starting in January 2010. The purpose of this thread is to lend mutual support and encouragement to each other as we embark on this journey together. Please feel free to ask questions, and share your concerns. Everyone is welcome!

Hey future J1's,

i am a future J2. Tomorrow is going to be a hectic day. Remember if you didn't get everything they said its okay ask someone after. Also don't forget your wallets. Majors will be there offering book deals they except credit, check, and cash. TNSA, which is a nursing student association, will be there offering patches, name tags, uniforms, and opportunity to join. You will also be able to sign up for CPR training through TNSA. All of the supplies offered are at a lower price than Majors and better quality. TNSA accepts cash and checks.

Look on the boards for good book deals, you can also look on craigslist for nursing books.

Good luck tomorrow. See you there.

Specializes in mother/care taker/student.

Thank you so much for all your TIPS!! I am so excited for tomorrow:eek:

OK, I'm exhausted. That was a long day!!! But I'm glad I got my 1st choice for my clinicals and everything else seemed to be just what I'd heard.

Yikes, have to read 8 chapters of Pharm. before class starts in month. Good grief, hope their short chapters. I plan on going to Majors tomorrow to buy my books since I'll be down there for my Patho final anyway.

What did you all think?

I agree with you. My head feels like jelly from taking all that in. And now I get to study for Patho! Yay! I thought it went well. It seems like there are a lot of folks invested in helping us succeed, which makes me feel really great about choosing TWU. I am still confused about assessment. I have it on Mon/Thurs, but didn't they say that lecture was online? Anybody know how that works?

Yes, we had our "lab" person explain it. You will only go to lab on Thursday of each week at the TWU location, about 3 times during the semester you will substitute going to another location (mine is Baylor-Downtown). The only time you will go to TWU on Monday is if there is a test and I believe that time is 2 - 4:30.

It was very confusing.

Oh, and you will have your lecture online. I think someone said they will be posted on Mondays, but I'm not positive about that.

Weird. They told me that I have Assessment on Mondays, and only occasionally clinicals on Thursdays. I guess I am in a different group. She said bc I have already taken Patho they put me in the Monday assessment. I guess I will call next week to figure it out.

Maybe you have the lab on Mondays and will only do assessment clinicals on Thursdays. So in a normal week without assessment clinicals you would go Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. I understand that with assessment you only go to either lab or clinical not both in the same week.

Specializes in mother/care taker/student.


That is what I was told as well. Class is on Mondays and she said leave Thurs. open for 4-5 times. (test, misc)

It sounds like ours is opposite of Butterflies. The sheet in our folder about NURS 3614 explains the situation.

Today was just information head is numb!!

Those of you taking Patho now-where do you park? Does anyone use the shuttle?

So now hunker down and study for finals girls!! We can then finish our shopping list for our nursing gear!!

So Supersweet, what group were you in today? Are you in Elizabelle's group?

I was in group 10.

Specializes in mother/care taker/student.

I was in Group 1-PT, my sheet was brown, and we met in the same room we started in.

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