TWU Spring 2010 Dallas regular program

U.S.A. Texas


Moving this thread from the TWU 2010 spring hopefuls for those of us who were accepted. This one is specifically for people planning to attend the regular program in Dallas starting in January 2010. The purpose of this thread is to lend mutual support and encouragement to each other as we embark on this journey together. Please feel free to ask questions, and share your concerns. Everyone is welcome!

Specializes in mother/care taker/student.

Thanks for the explanation! I think they use those at my sons middle school-pretty cool-

Hope everyone has a blessed Thanksgiving:loveya:

I am thankful for the opportunity to persue my dream career, my supportive husband, and family.

What are you all thankful for.....

I could say the same thing, SuperSweet. I am very thankful for this opportunity and for my husband and children as they support the choice I have made to go back to school.


Specializes in Orthopaedics.

:yeah:orientation is in less than two weeks!!!!!!! woo-hoo!!!!!!!!!! can't wait to see everybody! for christmas, i'm asking for scrubs, a watch w/ a second hand, and money for books! lol....

I am too, lol. Kohl's has very pretty watches and some white shoes too. I asked for a gift certificate there.

Specializes in mother/care taker/student.

AnnyLPC, Thanks for the watch tip-I will go check them out! Yes! I am soooooooo excited too!

That is so funny, we all think alike... For Christmas I asked for a stethescope, a watch with a sweep hand, a digital recorder (to record lectures), and some white shoes. We are some very smart ladies! :D

Specializes in PCU, Med-Surg/Tele, Psychiatric.

I'm so excited about orientation too! What brands of watches are you guys looking at? I can't find any sweep hand watches.

Specializes in mother/care taker/student.

Amazon has alot of choices-check it out! The Timex brand seems popular. I think I want a rubber band not leather though-The little nurse on the face of the watch is TOO CUTE!! HAVE FUN!!! Decisions Decisions......

Specializes in Orthopaedics.

Ha ha yes we do think alike. That's why we're all meant to be here hee hee.......:D

Specializes in PCU, Med-Surg/Tele, Psychiatric.

Yay! Orientation is Friday! :-D

hey everyone, I just received my lightweght II littmann stethescope by mail last night, I ordered it thru amazon, and honestly it looks really cheapy. It is really light weight! It had awesome reviews on it, but when I tried it out on my hubby, i heard really faint sounds. hee hee, maybe its cause I dont really quite know how to use it yet. have you guys bought anything yet? wohoo, orientation is 2 days away!!!! :)

I have my stethescope. My sister (who is an RN) gave it to me. I went and tried on scrubs but didn't buy anything. I loved something called the flex fit by Cherokee. The top has a stretchy material all the way down the sides, connecting the front and back. It is a little fitted and more flattering of a fit. I didn't see white though.I wish we had black scrubs! lol After Christmas I will get my shoes, watch and whatever else I need.

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