Published Nov 20, 2011
6 Posts
My name is Meskerem Negash. I am a recent graduate from UT-Austin. I have a BA in government and a minor in Social Work. I started college in nursing but, didn't finish the degree. I am now in a predicament. I have a GPA of 2.6 in my 1st degree, I have most of my prerequisites already done. I have take the TEAS V exam and I scored a 64% over all. I have my CPR certificate and I have 6 months of elderly care as a Nurse Aide. I would greatly appreciate any help. Thank you.
If anyone knows of any school that will take me as i am, would let me know please do. I really do want to finish what I started. I AM HONESTLY HEART BROKEN! I applied to UH-Victoria and OU-Duncan.
Getting To Great
531 Posts
I would recommend that your retake the Teas V over again and manage to score higher. With a score like that it may not help you; 64% compared to other students with a high 80's and 90's. This is a competitive field and you should initate yourself that way. Also, your GPA is low. What are your pre-req GPA? If it is below a 3.0, I suggest that you retake some of the classes that you did poor in. There is obvisious reason why you go two rejection letters. GL
36 Posts
I am going to echo what the other posted said; what is your pre-req GPA? How many schools did you apply to? If you only applied to two schools, I think you are going to really have to expand your selection of schools with your GPA (Assuming that is your cumulative). I would re-take your TEAS V over again as the other posted stated because you are going to need a higher score. What did you use to study for the TEAS V? Also I think it would benefit you to retake the classes that you have not done well in and try to bring your GPA up. Yes it will take time; however, if this is what you really want I think this would increase your chances of being accepted the most. Also look into schools that maybe require more than just GPA and the TEAS V. Do any of the schools allow you to write a personal statement or have letters of recommendation? I know at my school it was not based on just grades, but also on my personal statement and letters of recommendation.
Good Luck!
205 Posts
Look into private schools...
38,333 Posts
Strongly suggest that you consider getting an LPN license, then using that to enter an LPN to RN program.
3,445 Posts
Do take time to read my post, it may inspire you:
In your case, I would start at the LPN level and work your way up to RN that way, as Caliotter3 suggested. Nursing programs these days only accept the most competitive students!
105 Posts
My advice to you is to re-take the TEAS exam and try to score higher.
88 Posts
sorry about your rejection letters! BUT don't give up! You have choices to choose from
A.retake pre-req courses and teas v then reapply to those schools
B.get your lpn then go on to do a bridge program
c.apply to more community colleges and private schools
Just remember that your one of the many apples in a basket and the professional apple picker is trying to pick the best one. so you have to make yourself shine and stand out. I wish you the best of luck.