Tuition Reimbursement


  1. What Amount of Tuition Reimbursement Does Your Employer Offer?

    • 4
      $1000 annually
    • 4
      $2000 annually
    • 3
      $3000 annually
    • 2
      More than $3000 annually
    • 1
      No Limit to Reimburement
    • 9
      No Reimbursement at All

23 members have participated

What Amount of Tuition Reimbursement Does Your Employer Offer?

Specializes in Med-Surg.

$22250.00 for college courses and $250 for continuing ed and workshops.

We have an "earn as you learn" that pays RN students books and tuition 100%, the student works as a CNA 20 hours a week and gets 40 hours of pay. Followed by a two-year commitment.

The owner of my LTC facility eats kitty litter in regards to reimbursement. :p However, my administrator and DON were pretty decent in helping me work around my school schedule, so I could get some extra money "beyond" paying tuition, etc. :)

No reimbursement at my current job. Had a job with up to $3,ooo for ASN to BSN. Didn't stay long enough to take advantage of it. :crying2:

Specializes in GI, OR, Oncology.

Well, my employer will reimburse 1/2 the cost of books and tuition up to $500 a semester. I suppose it's better than nothing. Every little bit does help.

Specializes in Nephrology, Cardiology, ER, ICU.

Whew - I have it good! My large hospital pays $3500 year for tuition reimbursement and we can go to school FREE at their college or nursing. We also get up to $500 year for education like conferences and $600 for national certification exams (CEN, CCRN).


My company that I work prn for will reimburse up to $2000/year for undergrad, and 2500 for grad school. Of course you have to be full time. The hospital that I work FT at......... 2 classes/semester full tuition........ which averages $4500/yr.

Specializes in LTC, home health, critical care, pulmonary nursing.

My company pays books, fees, tuition, and testing and license fees.

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