Published Dec 3, 2024
Joe NightingMale, MSN, RN
1,608 Posts
Tweety I sometimes get those unexpected bursts of anxiety, not sure how or why
Stars hope you hear back from the daycare soon
NJ22 glad the new glasses are a lot better
Work was nice and quiet yesterday, no new cases, nothing unexpected, and no one who needed help. Which was good as I was a bit tired and down most of the day. Maybe it was the weather or the busyness of the last few weeks. Rest of the day was quiet too, just exercised and worked on my shopping list
Today should be pretty ordinary too, usual grocery shopping after work
Going to be slightly warmer today, around 30, no snow expected until tomorrow
Tweety, BSN, RN
35,812 Posts
Good morning!
Joe, glad you had a good day and hope today is just as kind.
Not sure where the anxiety came from but just got through it. My therapist would have told me not to medicate it but sit through it and ask my inner child "what is it you need right now". Bleh....not doing that. LOL
Find out that someone applying for the same job as me at work is dropping out to take another position, or at least is thinking about it. I think I stood a good chance with her in it but without her I'd be surprised if I didn't get it.
Getting the new storm door in today that was supposed to go in yesterday and the bug man is coming to spray. Doing routine chores like cooking, mopping and bathrooms.
Heard from the insurance finally and the resolution is I had $4,000 in covered damages of which they will pay zero because my deductible is $6,000. LOL. Now at least, other than the door which I have scheduled I can move on to the big repairs. Even though uncovered, I am still going to get a new roof and start from scratch. I won't be able to replace the roof that's on there because it's too expensive but I had a good 20 year run with it. My are were to take it out of my retirement account or finance it. At my age, I can take out of my retirement with ease but have to pay taxes, or I have to pay interest which is still high these days. Ugh
Ado Annie, ASN, RN
1,280 Posts
I guess that's about the outcome you expected, Tweety, but it's still disappointing. A new roof is a good investment, though. We will probably need to do that before too long. If I ask my inner child what she needs the answer is usually sugar and caffeine. *sigh*. Maybe a nap.
J22, if I were your ds and thought I needed to rest, I think I'd declare that I had a fever. 😉. We are not seeing a lot of Covid just now (knock on wood) but flu is picking up and we had one child with RSV in the ER. Apparently there are quite a few pediatric pneumonia cases around, too. I guess I was a heartless mom. When Twin A had pneumonia (8th grade?) I think he missed just 1-2 days of school. Same with mono (5th grade). We are all somewhat conditioned to just carry on and probably we shouldn't because our bodies do need rest. In Twin A's case, I did have assurances that he shouldn't be contagious. Of course, with people who will not get paid if they don't go to work, it's hard to tell them they should stay home. I'm blathering.
15,424 Posts
I enjoy the "blathering".
I'm a bit concerned that pediatric illnesses will increase when the federal government stops recommending and subsidizing vaccines.
No Stars In My Eyes
5,402 Posts
Why, when I click on the 'up' arrow, is there a little box that appears and says, "Your reaction has been removed," but then the up arrow count goes up by one number. Wha??? I'm not awake enough to try to figure out computer idiocies (of which I am one), so ppfftt!
The temp high will be 45 today, and was 24 last night. The house feels cold even with the thermostat set on 73 degrees. That's a heat-pump for ya; real cozy, eh? Don't want to crank it up to 74 or 75 because it still wouldn't FEEL warm in here, so it would just be a waste. Time to dress in more layers. But at least we didn't get any snow, and if we did have a few flakes come down at 4 AM, as was suggested it might, nothing accumulated. My older brother lives up in Kalamazoo where the BIG highway accident was in the news. He knows better than to drive on an Interstate in a blizzard, especially at his age (79 or 80?) even though he grew up with New England snows. (Besides which, don't tell anyone, but he was not much of a good driver in the first place.)
Doesn't feel like a Toooozedaie; of course I always have to check to see what day of the week it is by looking at my phone. Living here at Nannie's is "just a little bit disconnected" from life in general, anyway, y'know.
Don't have anything going on today except the usual laundry, dishes, and wastebasket emptying. Can you stand the excitement?
I'm going to go down to the kitchen and get my 2nd cup of coffee. Earlier, when I went down to get my 1st cup of coffee, and to feed Momo her breakfast, I turned the electric fireplace on in the den, to take the edge off the chill. In a little while I have to go down to get the Nannie-person up, dressed, medicated, and fed; just one of the many highlights of my day. (w00t?)
Last night as I was scrolling through a news site, I was so disgusted by the comments to just about every story, that I contemplated going off-line for few days, because I was starting to hate everyone for being flip and stew pitt; not anyone I care to share any discourse with. So, I still look at the headlines and scan the first little bit of the story, and go on to something else before my opinion of people goes any lower.
So, with that cheery thought....on to get that 2nd cup of coffee!
PS: I have always felt it is so weird that nurses are not 'allowed' to be sick and must work regardless. Makes no sense. But what does?
No Stars In My Eyes said: PS: I have always felt it is so weird that nurses are not 'allowed' to be sick and must work regardless. Makes no sense. But what does?
That's your day. Gen Z is having none of that. They will call off if they sneeze or if they aren't in the right mental space. We had one come in clock in and decide she was too sick to work the other.
Well the door was a bust. He showed up with a door I didn't order. Clearly it wasn't his fault because he showed me paperwork with the specific door on there. I had a picture of the door I sent the sales person and I told him to take this wrong door away. G called them because he said I'm way too nice to be a disgruntled customer.
I also have my new roof in the works and picked out a color. I have to downgrade from a metal room to a shingle due to expenses but it's good quality. Almost all the roofs here these days have shingles. Permits are taking forever because they are getting thousands of requests and I'm sure I'm way back at the end of the line, but it will get done and this isn't our rainy season.
dianah, ASN
8 Articles; 4,593 Posts
I always maintained, if you were sick, STAY HOME till you are well. #1, you will get better sooner if you rest; #2, I don't want to get what you have; #3, the patients don't need to get what you have, on top of their present reason for being hospitalized!!
Tweety said: That's your day. Gen Z is having none of that. They will call off if they sneeze or if they aren't in the right mental space. We had one come in clock in and decide she was too sick to work the other. Well the door was a bust. He showed up with a door I didn't order. Clearly it wasn't his fault because he showed me paperwork with the specific door on there. I had a picture of the door I sent the sales person and I told him to take this wrong door away. G called them because he said I'm way too nice to be a disgruntled customer. I also have my new roof in the works and picked out a color. I have to downgrade from a metal room to a shingle due to expenses but it's good quality. Almost all the roofs here these days have shingles. Permits are taking forever because they are getting thousands of requests and I'm sure I'm way back at the end of the line, but it will get done and this isn't our rainy season.
I meant to say the above nurse clocked in and said she had to leave because she was tired.
NSIME, I met my wife in Kalamazoo.
toomuchbaloney said: NSIME, I met my wife in Kalamazoo.
I've got a Gal in Kalamazoo-zoo-zoo-zoo
I went skiing in Kalamazoo once. And I believe stepdaughter's wife's brother lives there.
nursej22, MSN, RN
4,665 Posts
I've never been to Michigan. Oh well.
ds went to work this afternoon, with a mask. As a school bus driver, his day is split in two, so he rested this morning.
Where I used to work, the staffing office took the sick calls and some of the staff were very good at heaping guilt on you when you called out, such as pointing out there was no one else to come in, and the floor would be short. As a union we tried to get the employer to have more staff for sick coverage, but they insisted that we had plenty of staff, and the nurses should pressure their coworkers not to take so much FMLA. They were taking FMLA as part of their baby leave. It was pretty toxic. I got sent home once when I completely lost my voice. I felt OK, but only squeaks came out. I regularly used to get sinusitis, that led to bronchitis and laryngitis. After I got a Prevnar vaccine, I don't get sinus or ear infections anymore. Yay for vaccines!
It frosted again last night, but it's sunny and cool. I took the dogs out, in their coats, for a walk. I have been the laundry goddess today. I think every towel was dirty. And all of my PJs and socks.
I tend to be too nice, up until a reach a breaking point and then kablooie. Luckily, I don't reach that point often. My kids love the story of me telling off a bully in a MacDonalds.
My 6 yo son and I were there as our tradition for lunch after a dentist appointment. This woman cut the line to scold the employee about the toy in the Happy Meal. I growled at her to stop picking on the poor girl about a piece of plastic, and to go to the back of the line because the rest of us wanted our lunch. She glared at me and started to say something but the 3 people in line with me all nodded their heads and she backed off.