Published Nov 12, 2015
tell me in a few words, what are the top ethical concerns to nurses? Doing some research...thanks!
Spidey's mom, ADN, BSN, RN
11,305 Posts
I understand what you're trying to say, but as others have tried pointing out, morphine given to a terminal patient doesn't push them over the edge, it simply makes it easier. Just take the time to read the other posts, and reflect, and you'll learn a lot here.
I agree.
LDAthleteNurse, BSN, RN
407 Posts
Okay, gotcha. Thank you for the clarification. I appreciate your comment.
Simonesays, BSN, RN
115 Posts
Interesting discussion! For me, one of the big ethical dilemmas that I often find hard to deal with are the way code statuses are addressed in our health care system. It seems to me that there has to be a better way. What exactly that entails, I wish I knew. But as others have mentioned, calling a code on a frail elderly patient can be incredibly traumatic for everyone involved.
Another ethical dilemma is the two-tiered health care system that seems to exist here when it should be universal and equitable coverage for all (in Canada). You have to be a strong and articulate self-advocate, or have someone else who can be that for you, oftentimes. And marginalized populations tend not to have that capacity and can easily fall through the cracks. It can be disheartening to see how even within a well-intentioned system homeless, mentally ill, substance-addicted, etc. populations suffer disproportionately adverse health outcomes.
Jensmom7, BSN, RN
1,907 Posts
Ah, but she blocked me awhile ago because I told her something she didn't want to hear. If that's how she responds to differing opinions, she's missing out on a lot of opportunities to learn.
roser13, ASN, RN
6,504 Posts
Another thread was just posted, asking RN's for their help in researching ethical issues. The 2nd poster flat-out acknowledged that it was a homework assignment.
Welp, looks like OP got some good answers. I'm happy to help, honestly.
And the other poster asked about ethical issues internationally.. Not exactly the same, but close enough I guess.
6 Posts
Athelet2bnurseBSN If your niece died 4 hours after the morphine was given, it was not a factor in her death. The morphine was probably not working any longer. She died of the pneumonia as it was meant to be. As a hospice nurse I feel I can say this from experience.
1 Post
Wow ? You and everyone who liked this post call yourself care givers ? Where is the caring in any of you ? Way to help out a fellow nurse ! You should have just ignored the post instead of adding your 2 cents only to put someone down ! Hope you don't approach your patients in the same condescending manor !
Rose_Queen, BSN, MSN, RN
6 Articles; 11,949 Posts
To which post are you responding? The way AN is set up, your reply does not appear directly below the post you are responding to but on the last page. In the bottom right of the post, there is a quote button that will quote the post you are referring to so that those reading your response know what you're responding to.
midnighter94, ADN
13 Posts
Well, mine's a little bit different perspective because I work labor & delivery.
1) Drug use in pregnancy - huge issue lately! Yes, we have the casual use of marijuana, and we have to do a social work consult for them, too. But you would be surprised by how many women are doing so much more! We often have women that are taking Subutex/Suboxone/Methadone. Those babies often stay with us for up to a month or so, being medicated with morphine to help them with their withdrawals. It's difficult not to get angry with these women.
2) OB is the area of medicine that has the most lawsuits, so we always have to be careful with what we say, what we do, that we follow medication policies exactly. Getting called into a deposition is not fun! Even if the hospital has done nothing wrong, if what went wrong was only the patient's fault, chances are she'll get a check.
3) We sometimes have patients come in with no prenatal care at all. Once again, you can't judge them, you have to treat them just as nice as everyone else. They get the best of care, a private room, etc. And they are usually the most rude to the staff.
4) Termination of pregnancy. Ah..that's a big one, and tricky! The hospital by-laws don't allow for abortions, so we don't perform those, but sometimes a pregnancy may be incompatible with life; or her membranes are leaking, it's not a viable pregnancy and there are signs of infection; there are times that labor needs to be induced before the pregnancy is viable & I've seen nurses refuse to take care of the patient because they didn't believe the doctor, maybe he was just making up the reason.
5) Not resuscitating a newborn - depending on how many weeks it is. Viability is considered 24 weeks, but it's getting younger all the time. We have neonatology speak with the patient about the risks and the odds, and sometimes they want everything done despite the odds of survival, or sometimes they don't.
177 Posts
Sadly, not all nurses are as understanding or as collegial regarding our fellow nurses as we should strive to be.