Took the test today!!!=/


Hello guys! I took the NCLEX today and I know to myself that I fail. It stops at 75, got 10-15 sata, no drug computation, 1 exhibit and others. I tried the PVT and pop up says ON HOLD. PLEASE, help me understand what does it mean? Anyone who experienced it then pass?or its a failing sign? Help me please. =/

Specializes in Med/Surg.

I believe the "on hold" msg implies you passed. If you are able to re-register that means you failed. However afaik (I haven't recieved my ATT yet, driving me nuts) it's not 100%. I think if you scroll down to the bottom of this forum it's listed as a popular or useful link or something akin to that.

thank you very much cole79. Most of them who got the ON HOLD passed, but still, there are people who FAIL. I wanted to hang on something so I dont get anxious before I see my actual result. =/

Specializes in Complex pedi to LTC/SA & now a manager.

On hold means just that, fOr some reason your results are being reviewed and not an indication whether you passed or failed.

The reason for the hold could be random qa/qc check.

Or they could be reviewing you test/cameras because there was an issue (problem with palm scan, extra white boards, computer issue, you stood up instead of raising your hand, worst cases I've heard the poster used their cell phone on a break (major rule violation) and their test was invalidated. )

Sit tight. Neither PVT nor quick results work until your test is in "delivered" status.

Thank you very much. I think I failed. Its the hardest exam that I took up. It seems that I am guessing and guessing and guessing. =/

Specializes in Complex pedi to LTC/SA & now a manager.

Nothing is final until you get your official results. Easier said than done, but try and relax

I hope u passed))) From my experience a lot of people who was "ON HOLD" passed ))) Im keeping my fingers crossed u

Specializes in pediatrics, geriatric, developmentally d.

hoping you passed dont put yourself down you never know until you get your results hope for the best prepare for the worse

Crossing fingers for you too!

hoping you passed!!

Guys, thank you so so much! I woke up early today and still, its on hold. Thanks for the support. I really dont know what will I do if I fail. Promise, I will update you.

I am reading here and most of them saying that there might be a minor something, I think the only problem is that we didnt start on time because computers are updating. =/

Specializes in PICU, Sedation/Radiology, PACU.

Not starting on time shouldn't effect your results. Like others have said, test results are on hold if your test is being audited. This can be a random audit, or their may have been a specific reason for it. (Such as you erased your white board or started writing too early. You left the test frequently. Your hand print didn't register when you signed in or out. You used a cell phone, electronic device, or brought anything into the test center that was no allowed. Other suspicious behavior was observed.) If you results are still on hold after a day or so, you can call Pearson VUE and they can tell you why your results are on hold.

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