took NCLEX yesterday...


:o :o Hey guys!

I took my boards yesterday and am just in a daze....I have no idea how I did. The computer stopped at 92. When it kept going after 75, I just wanted to cry...I felt sick walking out of there...and all day yesterday. I hate this waiting period. My state participates in quick do you think I will find out tomorrow morning (48 hrs from when I tested), or I'll have to wait until monday. I dont have a good feeling about this because a lot of the stuff on the test did not seem familiar....I just had to make some educated guesses...I studied as much as I could, so I dont know what else I could have done. I used both Saunders and Kaplan. Oh..God...I really hope that I passed so I dont have to go through this again...please pray for me... :o

Tomorrow morning is when your results will be posted. Pearson-Vue is computerized, so they get posted two days later, doesn't matter the day or the week, or even if it is a legal holiday.

Tomorrow morning is when your results will be posted. Pearson-Vue is computerized, so they get posted two days later, doesn't matter the day or the week, or even if it is a legal holiday.

:wink2: :lol2: I just found out that I PASSED my boards!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I 'm so exited!!! I cant believe it!!! Thank you all for your help, and for praying for me....I'm so glad to be done with this!! Good Luck to everyone else!! Just remember that its possible to beat this thing!!! :lol2: :wink2:

:wink2: :lol2: I just found out that I PASSED my boards!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I 'm so exited!!! I cant believe it!!! Thank you all for your help, and for praying for me....I'm so glad to be done with this!! Good Luck to everyone else!! Just remember that its possible to beat this thing!!! :lol2: :wink2:

Congradulations :balloons:

:melody: :melody: congratulations!!!!!:melody: :melody:

Specializes in Telemetry, OR, ICU.
:wink2: :lol2: I just found out that I PASSED my boards!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I 'm so exited!!! I cant believe it!!! Thank you all for your help, and for praying for me....I'm so glad to be done with this!! Good Luck to everyone else!! Just remember that its possible to beat this thing!!! :lol2: :wink2:


BTW, I passed the first time & my NCLEX was around 240 questions. :uhoh21:

I just took the RN NCLEX in San Antonio a few hours ago and I'm about sick to my stomach. That was the hardest test I've ever taken. It was mostly prioritization questions that went something like this: "you have four patients. They're all about to die at any minute from something different. Which one would you see first?" :uhoh21: There was one doasage calculation involving a drip factor (2ez) It ended in 85 questions.

Specializes in Pediatrics.
I just took the RN NCLEX in San Antonio a few hours ago and I'm about sick to my stomach. That was the hardest test I've ever taken. It was mostly prioritization questions that went something like this: "you have four patients. They're all about to die at any minute from something different. Which one would you see first?" :uhoh21: There was one doasage calculation involving a drip factor (2ez) It ended in 85 questions.

I had a lot of prioritizing questions as well. I kept staring at the four patients and thinking "I don't know who's priority, heck, they're probably all going to die!" :p No, really...I didn't even cut off at 85. Mine continued on to 122. 122???? What kind of number is that? Not feeling good at all.

:wink2: :lol2: i just found out that i passed my boards!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i 'm so exited!!! i cant believe it!!! thank you all for your help, and for praying for me....i'm so glad to be done with this!! good luck to everyone else!! just remember that its possible to beat this thing!!! :lol2: :wink2:

congratulations, lisa! :balloons:

now go out and celebrate your new career and that you'll never have to take the nclex again! :)


As Martha would say, "Priority questions are a good thing.

congratulations, lisa! :balloons:

now go out and celebrate your new career and that you'll never have to take the nclex again! :)


:D :D thank you soooo much!!!

Congradulations :balloons:

Congradulations! I passed by boards the first time when 500 was tops and 350 was miminal for passing. Well to the NURSE World. :balloons:

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