Published Apr 21, 2006
21 Posts
i just took nclex today for 3rd time, and i got to 265 questions dont think i passed again, since i thought the last question seemed like an easy level question like a recall one and not above the passing standard. oh well, il just have to study again. good luck to those taking it and waiting for their results.
33 Posts
Think positive. You probably did fine. Let us know when you find out. Good Luck
Tweety, BSN, RN
35,418 Posts
Best of luck to you. Hang in there.
the wait is killing me. although i feel like i didnt pass, at least i wanna know soon, so i can plan my studying again. does anyone know if i'm still gonna pass with the last question (265) being like an easy question??? cuz i heard that the last question needs to be above the level of difficulty to pass. but i think mine was just a recall one, ugh, im gonna cry
44 Posts
I retested on Wednesday and I got 265 questions also. What I think we have to realize is that getting 265 does not mean pass or fail and if you were far enough into the passing range before question 264 getting an easy on 265 probably didn't make a big difference. I am no pro as to how the test are graded, but I do know that getting 265 is not bad. I wish you the best of luck, remember God would not bring you this far without a reason, you will pass. I felt really bad the first time I failed, but I had to look at the positive in my situation. I currently work on a Labor and Delivery unit. When I started as a RN-App there were three of us that were new. The other two girl passed and I failed. I felt so stupid and so hurt, but I prayed and realized that there had to be a reason why they passed and I didn't. There had to be a reason why they were ready and I wasn't. I wondered, but never questioned the why, I just accepted it and continued to learn the job. With all that being said, I you will pass and there is a reason why you didn't pass the other two times. I know this probably doesn't help with your worries and fears, but I just wanted you to know that you are not alone. I will pray for you and I wish you only the best.
thank you for the words of encouragement SDSU1205 :) i don't know the result yet, but whatever happens, i will just have to try whatever it takes to pass again if i dont. im just really nervous because i have friends who failed twice with 265 questions.
32 Posts
Jen I am sure you did fine. I am waiting to take my test, too for the second (and lets just say FINAL) time.
This forum is so helpful and everyone is always so encouraging. I can't wait to read I PASSED!!
Keep happy thoughts.