Took Nclex-RN 2nd attempt here it goes...

Nursing Students NCLEX


Specializes in Step-Down NICU/PICU.

I know this sounds like Lisa's thread but i want to say that the LORD was with BOTH of us today!....When i took my test back in may i failed...did the PVT and went straight to the CC page....1st time i had 154 questions...i took my test again for the 2nd time and got 75!...yes 75 questions.. i get home and GLORY BE TO GOD!...i got the "GOOD POP-UP"...Lisa congrats hun...we did it!!...Just happily waiting for my official license! what i want to say is this...

When i failed the first time i was sooo devasted...i have been an LPN for Four years this month actually...when i took my LPN boards four yrs ago i passed first try minimum amount of questions...when i did the RN i failed at 154...yes i was devasted..depressed...didnt want to do anything anymore...i literally gave up...i was angry with the world...i couldnt stand to go back to work and deal with the same thing i thought...HOWEVER, i came to allnurses as i always do and began to read up on all the threads of ppl who experienced the same thing and see how everyone else is what i did and what worked BEST for ME...

Exam Cram 2nd Ed- review; not the ALL questions book i did this for CONTENT...content is important, beleive it or not it gives you much more confidence when answering questions. reviewed the book in 3 days...

Linda LaCharity Priority/Manag/assess etc- lol..sorry its the thin blue and red book with 18 question chapters and and the others case study...i didnt do the case study just the 18 ch with questions- i cannot stress enough how much this book helped with priority questions...reviewed the book in 3 days...

Kaplan Trainer Questions: Now let me elaborate a lil on how i did this...i ONLY did Kaplan TRAINERS ...NO Q Bank...i did trainer 7 FIRST (265q's)...6 SECOND (200q's) then 5 (150q's) LAST...i did one trainer a day...yes only three is what i think helped...i didnt worry about the "scores" AT ALL...i didnt want to know "scores" i wanted to know WHY the answers to these questions were what they were....i BELIEVE that this is the key to succeed on NCLEX-RN...i have noticed that many ppl RUSH through these questions JUST to see what they will score to make themselves feel better prepared for the exam which i think is a false me it happened to me...i was more concerned on the scores than knowing why the answers were what they were...

I will say that some of my questions were VERBATUM to Kaplan and LaCharity

another tip...i didnt really pay attention to strategy...i was driving myself nuts trying to learn the strategy by heart...these only work for SOME not ALL questions...what i realized was this...READ ALL QUESTIONS CAREFULLY!!...and OPTIONS!...and depending on the disease or topic of the question decide what is important...

And last but not least....U gotta give a lil to get a lil....PRAY PRAY REALLY works!!....with GOD ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE!!!...Stay POSITIVE and do NOT doubt yourself...anyone who has failed and will be taking it again...i know what it feels like to feel defeated...but we can overcome this...Stay positive and RELAX...anxiety is a B!t@#!!...but if you can keep it at bay with prayer and remain calm and positive you can do this...Good Luck to those who are testing and CONGRATS to those who passed! :redbeathe:redbeathe

NYSNOWBUNNY a BIG CONGRATULATIONS to you too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


SO HAPPY FOR YOU :yeah::yeah::yeah::yeah::yeah::yeah::yeah:

Best wishes with your official results.

congratulations, your story is very inspiring.I'll also be taking my nclex-rn exams in sept. goodluck to all of us.

Specializes in OB/GYN Office.

Snow bunny - I went straight through to the CC page as well (took it at 2pm today). I did mostly Qbank questions without rationals....I'm so devastated...

thanks for the advice ...really appreciate it.... i test aug 31st RN

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