Published Feb 21, 2009
7 Posts
:uhoh3:I am so scared right now everyone...Me and 3 other girls took the NCLEX PN on Thursday 19th evening here in Orlando Fl, and Went into the Quick results in Pearson && on the DOH site & nothing yet. Another friend took her boards Wednesday the 18th in the morning & got her results Thursday 19th in the morning? IDK whats wrong...i was very confident taking the exam, and after, only after hearing that she got her results immediately & now im into saturday 21st? Anyone that can give me some advice and encouragement??? Is it the weekend? Im not wanting to do anything until i know something?Does the fact that i haven't heard anything or that i got 140 questions mean bad news? please pray for me everyone I have faith in god & really need this..we're going through such hard times right now... & know the lord has guided me up into taking this test...i just feel so worried and like im lacking strength....Prayers!!!! please:cry:
Very scared....Pray for all of us that took that exam Thurs. 19th Here in Orlando FLorida.....Thank you...
Silverdragon102, BSN
1 Article; 39,477 Posts
Doesn't mean anything, until you get your results hang in there and good luck
:oThank U for your encouragment...just trying to hold on...I all together just stopped answering my phone...all i hear is "did you pass" and I feel like im just going to dissapoint everyone....I'll keep everyone posted....again thank you!
2,040 Posts
Fingers Crossed.
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Good luck.
:nmbrn:HEY EVERYONE!!!! I CHECKED ON PEARSON TODAY && paid the 7.95 via credit card....PASSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY! THANK U JESUS!!! KING OF KINGS!!!!:bowingpur Im soooooooooooooooo excited....can't wait to start work! Thank everyone for the encouragment! *HUGS && GOD BLESS*
LOVE LOVE LOVE THIS SITE! Honored to be a member!
Congratulations and thanks for letting us know
16 Posts
:clphnds: congratulations!!!!
25 Posts