TOOK NCLEX PN Got 140 ?'s Thursday Evening..Need Encouragment && Prayers..scared!!!


:uhoh3:I am so scared right now everyone...Me and 3 other girls took the NCLEX PN on Thursday 19th evening here in Orlando Fl, and Went into the Quick results in Pearson && on the DOH site & nothing yet. Another friend took her boards Wednesday the 18th in the morning & got her results Thursday 19th in the morning? IDK whats wrong...i was very confident taking the exam, and after, only after hearing that she got her results immediately & now im into saturday 21st? Anyone that can give me some advice and encouragement???:crying2: Is it the weekend? Im not wanting to do anything until i know something?Does the fact that i haven't heard anything or that i got 140 questions mean bad news? please pray for me everyone I have faith in god & really need this..we're going through such hard times right now... & know the lord has guided me up into taking this test...i just feel so worried and like im lacking strength....Prayers!!!! please:cry:

Very scared....Pray for all of us that took that exam Thurs. 19th Here in Orlando FLorida.....Thank you...

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

Doesn't mean anything, until you get your results hang in there and good luck

:oThank U for your encouragment...just trying to hold on...I all together just stopped answering my phone...all i hear is "did you pass" and I feel like im just going to dissapoint everyone....I'll keep everyone posted....again thank you!

Specializes in LTC, case mgmt, agency.

Fingers Crossed.

:nmbrn:HEY EVERYONE!!!! I CHECKED ON PEARSON TODAY && paid the 7.95 via credit card....PASSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY! THANK U JESUS!!! KING OF KINGS!!!!:bowingpur Im soooooooooooooooo excited....can't wait to start work! Thank everyone for the encouragment! *HUGS && GOD BLESS*


LOVE LOVE LOVE THIS SITE! Honored to be a member!

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

Congratulations and thanks for letting us know

Specializes in LTC, case mgmt, agency.


:clphnds: congratulations!!!!


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