Tons of Free NCLEX-RN Questions!


Hi, I just wanted to share with you all a great website someone showed me today. This is the NCLEX 3500 website, that has tons of free NCLEX questions available on their website. I looked at it a bit and it looks like a great resource. I wish I would have known about this sooner! Enjoy!;jsessionid=78D87026BDB43AE42F8DEB0FC4F821C3

Specializes in Geriatrics, Peds, MR, and prison..

I tried to get to this website but it said unable to find this website

yeah i noticed that too..majority of their questions are sata format. which is good in my case since i consider that one of my weakest areas. i scored 61% last night and i was falling alseep halfway through their hope that doesn't happen when i do the real thing! :p

what is sata format?

SATA means select all that apply. The 3500 website stopped working several days ago. Apparently the company wants people to buy the software.

Specializes in Geriatrics, Peds, MR, and prison..

Thank you for the reply. Of course nothing is free for long. Dani

Specializes in lots of specialties.

dang that sucks...i was hoping it was still up

Specializes in lots of specialties.

hey, I was trying to get the questions and i couldn't get them.. could someone sent them to my e-mail..

thank you in advance....

I can't open this site...

Specializes in lots of specialties.

the old link is bad so I posted a new link.I can open it just fine

Thanks, I am able to open this one.

Specializes in lots of specialties.

You must use only the exact link -- so if you bookmark it you need to copy this link location for that because once you get to the site the address bar shows a different address.

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