Time to get real -


Okay, I am getting sick of nursing students and new grads saying the same old routine cliche tagline "All I need is 6 months of bedside experiences before I can go back and get masters and become a NP or a CRNA"


Keep dreaming if you think 6 months is going to pass for CRNA or NP qualifications.

Yes the salary is fantastic but I personally wouldnt pursue yet another nursing career if I could - I would hightail my butt out of nursing and go to Engineering or Law. Basically the same amount of time in school and gonna cost about the same (can we say lifetime of Debt?).

This whole fantasy that MANY MANY people have about NP and CRNA.....the mentality that all your time thus far in school and clinicals was just unimportant. "Just 6 months of bedside care" - Get real - more like 6 YEARS.

Nobody (few exceptions) goes from the bottom of the totem pole to the top in the blink of an eye.

Specializes in Family Nurse Practitioner.
And as for NP programs taking "anyone who has tuition money," I scoff at. 50 people (that met entry qualifications) were turned away from my program this year!

Feel free to scoff but I find it hard to believe any school started the year with 50 empty seats in a program if they had the capacity to admit them. I can only speak for the NP school I attended. It has an excellent reputation but when space allows they admit students with no exerience and it was problematic both in classes and clinicals.

Can't speak to NP school, but as already stated more than once in this thread, CRNA schools DO require prior experience and consider it very relevant to future success in the program. Some schools require significant critical care experience.

yep, I agree. I meant any experience beyond what is required by the program!

Feel free to scoff but I find it hard to believe any school started the year with 50 empty seats in a program if they had the capacity to admit them. I can only speak for the NP school I attended. It has an excellent reputation but when space allows they admit students with no exerience and it was problematic both in classes and clinicals.

Ouch! All I know is that my admissions dept. said 80 applied and 30 made it :)

I don't really get the animosity? Who are any of us to determine the appropriate time spent as an RN before furthering our education and practice??

I think its QUALITY over QUANTITY in this situation!

I also think its some people that are jealous of younger nurses moving forward with their careers........just saying....

Specializes in Oncology; medical specialty website.
I don't really get the animosity? Who are any of us to determine the appropriate time spent as an RN before furthering our education and practice??

I think its QUALITY over QUANTITY in this situation!

I also think its some people that are jealous of younger nurses moving forward with their careers........just saying....

Not jealous at all. Though if it makes you feel better to frame this as a young v old issue, have at it.

Specializes in Medical/Telemetry. Now ICU.

Unless it's different out west, I know here on the east coast ...if you want to pursue CRNA you need at least 1 year of critical care experience. Odds are slim that you would end up in the ICU for your first job. Didn't say it doesn't happen , because it does...but most post-grad RNs start out on Tele or Medical...then go to ICU. So anyone that says they want to do CRNA and be a RN for only 6 months is hurting themselves (not to mention again, I don't even think that is possible).

Specializes in SICU.
RN experience holds little bearing on practice as a NP or CRNA. They are sooo different. The NP/CRNA program IS what prepares you to practice, not how much prior experience you had doing a totally different job. That is what school is for....to prepare you for a new role. Don't hate on the nurse that has ambition! If you really disagree, be mad at the board of nursing/programs who set the standards, not the nurse to is trying to further their education!!

What experience did you have in the medical field before you became an RN?? I had none.

And as for NP programs taking "anyone who has tuition money," I scoff at. 50 people (that met entry qualifications) were turned away from my program this year!

an RN is not an advanced practice Nurse. ANYONE who can pass the curriculum and boards can become a RN.

a CRNA or NP is an ADVANCED PRACTICE. you need a good foundation.

I find it laughable that people cannot see the distinction....

Specializes in Medical/Telemetry. Now ICU.

I know for CRNA you NEED at least 1 year critical care experience...and rightfully so...you need to know about the vents and invasive hemodynamic monitoring (CVP, A-lines, PA lines) and critical care meds...like Propofol, and how to alter preload, afterload, all that good stuff.

You need 1 year of that before you apply for Masters in Nurse Anesthesia school. Not sure how it work for NPs. I can see why you need critical care experience...there's a lot to learn. And although, working on the floors (i.e. surgical, medical , tele, whatever) doesn't really compare to being a CRNA, any experience I think helps shape you :):)

Not jealous at all. Though if it makes you feel better to frame this as a young v old issue, have at it.

obviously i meant "young nurses" as in less experienced nurses... not young vs old in age.

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