Time frame from graduation to NCLEX


I am scheduled to graduate nursing school on December 10th of this year... I am just wondering (from your personal experience) the time frame between graduating, to signing up for NCLEX, to actually taking it. I am just worried I won't have any time to study after I graduate because I am going on a week long vacation the day after I graduate, then its christmas, etc. So I just wanted to know how much time you spent from graduation to taking the NCLEX. Also if you could explain the process to me that would be great too! Thanks!

Specializes in Pedi.

Somewhere around three weeks for me, I think.

after graduation i signed up for the nclex. it took more than a week to do the requirements to get the approval to test. i graduated in december then took the nclex 2nd week of february. i didnt take a vacation in between. although i didnt start studying seriously until a month or so before the test so maybe take advantage of the winter break. i decided to take it asap and february was the soonest i could register. i didnt wanna waste all the drilling and training that my nursing school did to me.

Specializes in Case mgmt., rehab, (CRRN), LTC & psych.

I've been through the process twice for two different state boards of nursing.

2005, VN/PN program - date of completion was October 14th. I received my authorization to test (ATT) on November 21st. It took five weeks to receive the ATT because this was happening in California, a state that still operates via snail mail. I took and passed NCLEX-PN on December 28th.

2010, LPN-to-ASN transition program - date of completion was March 11th. I received my ATT in April (Oklahoma BON) and took and passed NCLEX-RN on May 11.

Graduated May 13th. Started seriously studying around May 25th ish? Got my ATT June 2nd took and passed NCLEX June 14th.

You also have to apply for licensure and register for NCLEX before you can get your ATT, our school gave us a timeline of when to do things, but we were applied and registered before we graduated. My school also recommended to us that we not wait longer than 6 weeks after graduation to test.

I graduated May 13th, got my ATT on June 4, and took (and passed!) the test June 14th. I started studying about a week after graduation. Take it as soon as possible!

ETA: I started my paperwork and paid for my test around March. My school sent us out information.

Graduated may 13. Got my ATT June 11. Taking my nclex tomorrow (6/20). I studied for about 3 weeks.

I graduated May 15 and didn't do anything the week after. I started doing questions here and there on my NCLEX mastery app. I finally got serious and bought Uworld at the beginning of June, went on vacation the 6th-9th and didn't do anything those days. I had the email with my ATT the day I came home and scheduled mine for the 29th. I knew I couldn't agonize for that much longer and moved my date up to the 22nd.

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