Tick Tock Tick Tock


Yes the clock is ticking for me. I took the NCLEX-RN this afternoon. I was rather nervous, more nervous than I thought I might be. Thought I might throw up this morning, forced myself to eat a banana and drink something which I think did me good. Found a lady bug above my car door when I got in to leave, thought that might be a good sign. Hahah, I'll take anything I can get.

At the testing center I ran into someone else who was taking the exam, we joked a little about the hallway feeling like death row, and when you get to the end the doors slam shut behind you. Kinda scary.

At the beginning of the test I know I was overanalyzing the difficulty of the questions, I know I was, trying to figure out the difficulty. Then at like question 40 or so a SATA question popped up and I was thinking 'Oh my god, I forgot about those'. Then I started to panic a little because I hadn't gotten one of those yet and was thinking my level of difficulty was still too low. Man too much thinking was going on about the type of questions. It was nerve-wracking. At the end though they were popping up all over the place, especially med calculation questions.

I got close to 75 and I was praying that it was gonna shut off at that point. Praying, praying, praying. I always have wanted to do 75 and be done, I don't know why, but I guess I always thought that was what I wanted to accomplish. I answered the 75th question and it shut off, I felt so relieved, so glad it was over.

I started thinking that a lot of the questions were similar to questions I had practiced. I will be honest that I did think some of the questions were easy. Then I started to think, too easy.

On the way home I started to panic. What if I was just a complete moron and it shut off at 75 because I couldn't answer enough questions right? Maybe that's why I thought it was too easy. I went from feeling somewhat confident to it completely dropping out the bottom.

I know I just need to tough out the next 48 hours and see what happens. I know my chances of passing are 85%. But there's no way for you to prepare for the emotional rollercoaster of after the NCLEX. So I go back to the tick tock tick tock of the clock.

Specializes in Surgical Telemetry.

So still NO word yet on whether or not I passed. I had my first day of orientation at my new job as a graduate nurse and I was dying not being able to access a computer until I got home.

All day I just wanted to know. I came home to find out that my results are still not available, even from the quick results. And the mail person put a big hole in the back of my diploma that I received in the mail today.

More waiting....

Oh and for the person that asked about what review I used that was similar to the NCLEX questions I got, I used learningext.com. I thought it was a very cost-effective review. Oh and I also used the Hurst book because there is great information in there about HOW to take the test. And I used Saunders for additional practice questions. Like I said I'm still waiting to see if it all worked. :)

blinks14, any news yet?? :confused:

Specializes in Surgical Telemetry.

I found earlier today that I did in fact PASS!!! I'm an RN!!! :)

Thanks for all the support and kind words. I really appreciated it!!!

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

congratulations blinks14!!!! i knew you would do it!!! i am so happy for you!!! stay strong and have a blessed nursing career!!! :yeah:

jadu1106 :)

Specializes in EMS, ED, Trauma, CEN, CPEN, TCRN.



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