Speaking for myself on this topic I'd like to go over what is going through our minds on a day to day basis. And the Dos and Don'ts of delegating....
1. Is the most important of them all, please if you see us techs with an ekg machine, or a phlebotomy cart, or something important DON'T ask us to stop what we are doing to go help room 20 to the commode or to get them a beverage. DO get it yourself because chances are we have more things to do.
2. DON'T tell us oh room 20 just needs the channel changed in the room. Knowing that the PT really has to be changed, wants the channel to be changed, and would like food. DO Just tell us ahead of time keeping that information from us and then hearing the PT say oh I told the nurse I needed to be changed she said she would get someone is really irritating.
3. DON'T talk down to us, can't tell you how many times I've seen it where a new grad nurse talks down on a tech then a few months later they are colleagues both with an RN degree and the tech is a better nurse than the new grad.
We are all team mates looking for one thing, great patient care. I love my establishment now because the doctors and nurses and techs all sit together and we all speak to each other on a first name basis. DO delegate tasks to us techs in a respectful manner meaning do not micro manage have faith in us, and say thank you after we are done with said task. That means the world to us.
4. If we are walking into a room together and you start talking introduce yourself and myself with appropriate titles. I am no longer a CNA down in the ER. I am a Tech, just like doctors and nurses have specialties I too am in a specialty. Plus if you tell a PT I am a tech, rather than a CNA they won't think of me as their personal assistant having me fetch them drinks and blankets just because. Of course I will do all of that but it deters them from thinking all i do is wipe butts and wait on their hands and feet.
Of course not every nurse does this in fact in the hospital i work in there's only one nurse who does this. I love my staff and i consider myself apart of a functioning team. Please dont take this list the wrong way its just ones Techs opinion. Thanks!