Things you'd LOVE to be able to tell patients, and get away with it.

Just curious as to what you would say. Mine goes something like this: Nurses Relations Video Nurse Life


Hi, my name is AngelfireRN, I'll be your nurse tonight.

I am not a waitress, nor am I your slave.

Yelling and hurling obscenities at me will not get you your pain meds any sooner than they are ordered. Nor will having your family member or entourage do the same.

Threatening lawsuits and having umpteen family members camp out in the halls or hold up the nurse's station will not get you preferential treatment.

Physically grabbing me as I go down the hall is NOT a good idea.

I do not give the orders, but I do have to follow/enforce them. This is something that you should take up with your doctor.

No, I will not call him again to ask him for more pain medicine. He has been called twice and has said no both times.

No, I will not give you his number so you can "straighten him out".

No, you are not my only patient, and I highly doubt that you are single-handedly paying my salary. On the off chance that you are, let's talk about a raise.

NO, NO, NO, I most empahatically will NOT come get you when it is time for your next pain shot while you are having a smoke break. I also will not bring it to you in the smoking room. (Have actually said that, I am allergic to cigarettes. I did it once, had an asthma attack, desatted to 83, and turned blue, according to the patient and my charge nurse, after the patient had to help me back to the floor).

No, I don't really care if your family has not eaten all day, they drove here by themselves, they are not sick, and no, I will not call for 6 guest trays. (This of course, is if the patient in question does not need all 6 family members present, and is not at death's door).

No, you may not have 3 six-packs of soda from the kitchen, there are other people that would like a snack, too.

No, they will not open up the kitchen up just for you, at 1 in the morning, because you don't like the snacks we have on the floor.

I could think of hundreds, but those will do for a start. I know it sounds mean, but this is why I got out of bedside nursing. When a hospital becomes the Hilton, I'm gone!

Have fun!

Specializes in Med Surg, Hospice.
banditrn said:
Did you tell the male RN that you'd be happy to do the bath, but he needed to have everything ready to go - and help you by doing a couple of your blood sugars?

No, but he told the male PCT to do something for me in return.. so he did the admission vitals on a newly admitted patient, the one nurse who is a gem did her own blood sugars, which left me with 2 left to do instead of 4. I got them done before lunch came, but then I found out the new admission was diabetic. His lunch had just arrived, but fortunately, I got to him before he could eat it.

It's just been a bad week.... Joint Commission is in and everyone's stressed, nervous, and in an uproar, so that just added to everything. We were also admitting as fast as we were discharging. I don't know how Housekeeping got all of the rooms cleaned fast enough. So glad I am off today and go back to 3-11 tomorrow and Friday. And one of these days, I'm going to learn how to juggle 17 patients....

rph3664 said:
p.s. I'm sorry about offending people with my earlier post about "American poverty, 2007." My point was that many people create their own problems, and this includes modifying their bodies in ways that render them unemployable.

Guess I stepped over the line.

No, you spoke the truth. I'm sick of this PC world. There is a certain segment of the human race that takes no responsibility for their own health. I will work my tail off for my patients, and always have, but there is something wrong when I'm working so much harder for a person than they are working for themselves. People need to partner in their own health care.

Specializes in Emergency Medicine pre-LVN, hospital cor.

I have a resident I would LOVE to say that too. They are so rude as to provoke a bad response from any and all staff members. The neuropsych doc even exceeded his limit.

Specializes in Emergency, Trauma, Flight.

lol... what a fun thread!!

ok... here is what i actually did say...

"you are an you understand that?... you drank and did a lot of drugs and ran your truck into a brick what?. your paralyzed now from the waist down? you are an idiot!!! you should have been wearing your seatbelt and you should NOT have been drinking underage and driving!! "

lol... he's an idiot...

but actually really respects me now and requests me to be his nurse~~


I ca give you this med through your IV or if you insist on irritating me every 10 minutes I will give it with this huge needle in your butt - your choice

Specializes in CVICU, CCU, MICU, SICU, Transplant.

To a demanding family member on the phone: " No I cannot tell you the exact significance of the CT scan result, nor what the treatment should be; that is for someone with an 'MD' after their name to do. Your loved one is stable at the moment, he is watching television and talking on his cellphone. The doctor does not need to be called in right now, however he will be here in the morning. Perhaps you would actually like to be there to ask him questions yourself, rather than feeling like you are going to be the next 'Mother Theresa' simply by calling and talking to me once a day? I know you are busy, and so am I. My other patient is sick too, but I think he is in worse shape right now, as evidence by the ventilator he is hooked up to, along with the multiple medications needed to support his blood pressure. And yes, your loved one has indeed gotten all of his scheduled meds. I gave them and documented that myself. And no, you cannot just walk in here and look at his chart simply bc you are the POA. You will need to go through proper channels at this hospital to do that. You have a geat night too,... talk to you again this time tomorrow."

Specializes in ICU;CCU;ER;flight nurse.

Nice!! You think bedside nsg. is tough-give ER and prehospital a whirl:-)

Specializes in ICU;CCU;ER;flight nurse.

How about when a patient comes in to the ED triage and gets huffy that they aren't taken straight back for toe pain that they've had for 2 months but all of a sudden its an emergency at 1:00am on a Tuesday morning and you have just had an arrest come through the trauma bay and a 35 year old guy having a STEMI? I think there ought to be a "Say what ever is on your mind day" for nurses,paramedics and doctors. Just take the filter off:"Hmmm....stop coming to the ED for a refill of your albuterol inhaler every week and telling me you can't afford refills when you have perfect acrylic nails on and smell like cigarette smoke. You are already a burden on society and you're only 25!!" Or

"Stop first-naming me. I'm not stupid and I can see it's a poor attempt to threaten me so you can get your (fill in the blank):narcs, pillow,snack,or for me to wave my magic wand and make all the problems you've created for yourself over the past 20 years go away. I'm not your fairy godmother and if I was, I'd turn you into an even bigger toad than you already are. If you want a pillow, blankets, softer mattress and the lights dimmed, go to Holiday Inn"

Specializes in Cardiac x3 years, PACU x1 year.

I work on a very nice, less than 5 yo Tele unit in a fairly large hospital. All private rooms, but some are "short-stay" smaller rooms, closer to the nurses stations, reserved for our more confused pts :uhoh3:

We often get things like, "why can't mama/pa-paw/maammmawwww (or whatever these people call each other) have a big room? with a winda?"

Well, frankly mammaw spends most of her nights trying to get out of bed, pull out her foley, rip out the fourth IV she's had today, or screaming and yelling "HELP" and "CAROLIIIINE" or other nonsense. No, I will not take off her wrist restraints unless there is someone in the room with her. We do not have the extra staff for a sitter, and from what I hear, mammaw is just plain sick of those "Fraiser" reruns late at night! Even haldol doesn't make it funny.

I also had a pt tell me last night that at (insert crummy outlying hospital in rural area that always sends us reallll winners), the nurse sat by her bed all night and stroked her forehead. What? Okay, either they are severely overstaffed, they gave you some kind of goofy juice and you hallucinated it all, or you're making it up. Lady, I have 6 other patients- you are 54 years old and if you (her words) "can't make it alone for less than 15 minutes without getting scared and crying", I do not have a clue how to help you. consult BH? xanax? no, she won't take pills. okay. It's 2am and I'm peeking in to make sure you're pink warm and breathing like you were at midnight, you havent used your call light all night. check. Come morning, I come in to give you 6am meds and youre squalling like a newborn, swearing that I left you alone and cold, alllll night on your own. I'm sorry, was that your HUSBAND that's sleeping on a cot next to your bed last night? Yeah, he was up talking to us at the station around 4am, telling us what a great floor this is, and how he has to leave to get to work on time at 6am. Nice guy. You? It's called coping. Don't have so much plastic surgery and you wont be in the hospital so much. :trout:

Thank you if you made it to the end. Sorry it was so long. Ohhhh that felt goooood! :balloons: party!

Specializes in ICU;CCU;ER;flight nurse.
BabyScanner82 said:
Oh my god I am glad to see this thread up here. I have just started a new job at a hospital. I have been here for about 2 mths now as a patient tech in a Cardiac unit. It a freakin madhouse and I'm really wondering if I made the right choice about working there. The patients are SO NEEDY AND DEMANDING!! It blows my mind every night to hear them talk to the staff the way they do. Here would be my list of what I'd love to say to them:

1) Oh, I'm sorry, did the sign outside say the Ritz Carlton on the door? Because the last time I checked this is NOT a resort it's infact a hospital and your prognosis is going to require a little effort on your part.

2) Why is it that when I ask your 300 pound butt to stand up on a scale you are tired and need me to throw out my back assisting you? But when you need that chocolate chip cookie on your table you suddenly have the strength of SuperMan?

3) As if it wasn't bad enough that Spanish is becoming the primary language in this country, I get the traditional stare of confusion when I ask important questions to patients who don't speak English. Now unless I had a freak accident while traveling, I wouldn't sit in a hospital in France and keep talking in English because they wouldn't understand me now would they? Why am I the only one who finds this disturbing?

4) Just because your family member sneezed, or sniffled doesn't mean I'm going to drop what I'm doing to rush to their side!!

5) This one is my personal favorite, every shift I hear numerous complaints about how bad the food is. What I would give to tell one of these patients, your in a hospital, not a hotel. That food you were eating that put on that extra 100 pounds may be the very reason your lying in that bed with shortness of breath! I guess that would just be an anwser with too much logic now wouldn't it?

6) I'm completely aware you need a bed change from excessively sweating. Again maybe it's the fact that your 300 pounds?

I know many of you may read this and think I am insincere, but the simple truth is many patients I take care of could turn their health around if they lost some weight. It comes down to responability pure and simple. As you know heart disease is the #1 cause of death in women and many of these patients are so heavy they haven't seen their crotch in 10 years because of the belly hangin over it. Thanks for the rant.

Honey...I've been a nurse for 16 years and can tell you that it IS worth the aggravation, most of the time. Just smile sweetly and do what ever it was you were doing in the first place. Most people are too lazy or stupid to carry out with their threats. Furthermore, it's been my experience that the ones who do the loudest yelling are the same ones that know they themselves are dead wrong, have done something they shouldn't have,or know they in general, are a major pain.

What part of "only 1 mg Ativan" is it that you don't understand?

Specializes in CVICU, CCU, MICU, SICU, Transplant.
gingersdad said:
What part of "only 1 mg Ativan" is it that you don't understand?

Amen to that!! Had a pt the other night say "why am I only getting 1 mg of morphine?" Umm... bc that's what the doctor ordered?? Why dont you take it up with him in the morning. And if you remember correctly, 1 mg is what I have been giving you the last 3 days.