There is hope!


Specializes in Pediatrics.

Hello all. I wanted to post today to give everyone on here looking for a job a glimmer of hope. I am a new RN grad, graduated in May 2010 and passed my boards in June. I, along with many many others in the NJ area was getting very dicouraged looking for a job and being turned down everywhere. I have no prior medical experience and I am young (22), so there was nothing special about me. But today I went in for my first interview and I got hired. It is a pediatricians office which is local, but also large (60 employees). I was very shocked and grateful for the oppurtunity. I am writing this is maybe suggest going into places that do not post their job openings online, as this office did not. These places usually receive less applicants and are more willing to take the time to train new nurses. I will continue to pray for all of those looking for jobs, but remember to keeep your heads is possible!!:D

congrats thats very good to hear :balloons:If you dont mind me asking was the pay very low?

Specializes in Pediatrics.

22 an hour...not too bad.

Congrats!!! It is so refreshing to hear someone who is actually grateful for a wonderful opportunity. Many of my friends have turned down jobs because they don't like the pay or shift....hello people take what you can get and thank God that you actually got a job in this economy! Congrats again!!!

Congratulations! Can I ask how you find out about these jobs if they are not posted? I am interested in a doctors office possibly but I dont know how to find out.

Specializes in Currently: Certified School Nurse.

Congrats on your new job, Nurse!! Thanks for sharing the good news! :yeah:

Specializes in Pediatrics.

You can either just call, or drop off your resume to the offices. I dropped off my resume and they called me the next day. Good luck to you. What area are you looking in?

Thanks. I ma in NOrth Jersey. I really want to work in the hospital in mother/baby, NICu or L&D but I know how tough that is right now. So, I want to apply otherplaces to keep my options open.

Specializes in Pediatrics.

Yeah thats deffinatly the right attitude. Good luck with everything and keep me posted on how things are going.

Specializes in Home Health Care.
Congrats!!! It is so refreshing to hear someone who is actually grateful for a wonderful opportunity. Many of my friends have turned down jobs because they don't like the pay or shift....hello people take what you can get and thank God that you actually got a job in this economy! Congrats again!!!

good advice!!!

there is definitely hope for new grads in nj so hang on. i too graduated in may and passed my boards in june and have spent the whole summer filling out application after application. like everyone else i heard the "were not looking at new graduates at this time" speech one after another. however in the middle of august i got calls from 5 different hospitals to set up interviews and i finally got and accepted an offer last week. on one of my interviews the recruiter actually explained how some hospitals wait to the end of the summer before they start contacting new grads.

if i had one word of advice it would be to show the recruiters and hospitals that you’re using this time wisely. immediately after passing the boards i enrolled in an acls course and i recently enrolled in an iv cert course. their expensive but several recruiters stated how this proved i was committed to refining my skills and knowledge which in turn made my resume stick out against some others.

good luck and stay positive because there are jobs out there for new grads.

Congrats!! I've been trying to do the same but everywhere I have tried say they only use LPNs and medical assistants :( What area are you in?

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