Theoretical/ Practical Hours Required To Work In The US


Specializes in Mental Health.


I am an UK-trained RN with a diploma in mental health nursing. Currently, I work in Australia as an RN, as well as an Aussie citizen. I am looking to move to the USA in the next couple of years. I am aware that I can use the E3 visa process to work in the US, so don't have to go through the retrogression process, which is a great relief!

However, I have never seen posted the required transcripted hours for both theory and practice on this site. There are many posts that report that hours have to be made up by the respective posters.

Therefore, is anyone out there, who has undertaken this process, able to let me know what theoretical and practical hours are required for each subject undertaken at uni, so that I can review my uni transcript to identify the shortfalls.

Thanks, Nick.

In general, Australian nurses with general degree, lack obstetrics and paeds.

As a mental health trained nurse you will be missing these in theory as well as the medical and surgical side of nursing and you will need to be seen general educated before allowed to sit NCLEX to be registered anywhere in the states. But I think you already realise this.

I think one of the provinces in Canada has RPN in mental health only.

Maybe Contact the board of nursing for the state that you wish to apply for registration for the hours that you may need to make up.....

The US have their RN's working in midwifery and lots of specialist areas even mental health without further post grad and mental health is only a component of their degree. I found this thread :

Have not seen in my travels either any actual hours posted.

Sorry to hijack your thread.

Specializes in Mental Health.

Hi Ceridwyn,

Thanks for your reply. I have a copy of my uni transcript and note that I have undertaken 150 hours of maternity, obstetrics and neonatal care, 218 hours of child/ paediatrics, as well as 450 hours of physical health, including community nursing. The only element that I don't appear to have is the med/ surg practical component. I assume that I would have to complete that.

I am hoping to complete my degree via distance learning in Australia, and hope that the outstanding med/ surg practical stuff will be offered to complete the degree.

I have already looked at becoming an RPN in British Columbia, Canada and had to do a bit of theory to achieve registration. I still have to complete 90 hours of practical experience. I'm able to complete that in Auckland next year.

I have also emailed the BON in Washington state today, so will wait to see what they say.

Thanks, Nick.

Good luck, hope it is smooth sailing. Probably done more paeds and obs than nurses in undergrad here!.

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

Moved to the International forum

Each state has their own requirements so better to ask the state you plan on applying to. The hours you quote that are on your transcripts are they combined or separated to clinical and theory. I think my transcripts showed 150 hours for Mental Health and Obstetrics both clinical and theory and I did OK with 2 states to meet their requirements. Paeds I had over 800 hours so that wasn't an issue either.

There are I think 4 provinces in Canada that accepts RMN and all on the west side of the country. East side only accept general trained

An online course in Med Surg will not meet the US requirement of Clinical and Theory done concurrently. Also nursing positions are hide to find, you would have to find a hospital that would have to process your paper work, with so many qualified US citizens and perm residents you may find it harder than you anticipate.

That whole clinical in concurrent with theory is CA backwards way of thinking. There are other states that will accept it as long as both are completed. The poster just has to do his/her homework by contacting each BRN.

Specializes in CTICU.

Actually it's not even worth it to contact the boards as they often won't give you an hour amount. Your best bet is to apply for CES from CGFNS and see what they say. I didn't think mine would be adequate but it was.

Also you don't need to find a hospital to "process your paperwork". You need to find an employer willing to complete the online LCA and you do the rest.

Hi Nick,

I have some info which might give you an idea how things work with regards your transcript etc.

I have a very close friend from the UK who is living in Florida now due to her husband's work. She is an RMN and had her transcripts evaluated to see if she qualifies to do NCLEX. She is deficient in hours in OB and paeds (she actually didn't do any during her training) but the Board did not reject her application and say no outright. Instead, they have decided to present her transcript for discussion at the next monthly board meeting, which is on Wednesday November 30th. She does, however, have excess hours in all other areas, and many years of experience, but not sure if this is considered.

She has a job offer pending a Florida RN license and in the meantime has been hired as a CNA (she challenged the test, passed, and got a CNA license)

So it would seem there is no definitive answer regarding hours. As others have said, best to have your transcripts evaluated and see what happens.

Hi, how are you ?

thank you for shearing all the experience

I am graduated fromSpanish nursing school, and im applying for florida bon, as i though cgfns claims thet i have a deficiency at psychiatric and ob practical hours scince here in europe we specialize on one specific field i heve much more hours in geriatrics than other services

I wanted to ask

-how many psychiatric/ob practical hours florida bon require to take the nclex ?

-By taking this remedial course will it cover up both psychiatry and ob deficiency?

thank you so much for this info.

Floriida BON

(a) Registered nursing programs:

1. 70 theory hours and 127 clinical hours in medical nursing,

2. 45 theory hours and 104 clinical hours in surgical nursing,

3. 31 theory hours and 44 clinical hours in obstetrical nursing,

4. 32 theory hours and 43 clinical hours in pediatric nursing; and,

5. 34 theory hours and 53 clinical hours in psychiatric/mental health nursing.

(b) Practical nursing programs:

1. 87 theory hours and 115 clinical hours in medical nursing,

2. 76 theory hours and 103 clinical hours in surgical nursing,

3. 34 theory hours and 47 hours in obstetrics nursing; and,

4. 27 theory hours and 38 clinical hours in pediatrics nursing.

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