Published Dec 20, 2006
48 Posts
Well I guess the time has come to start a new one:idea:
This is for people who have applied and are waiting for acceptance starting Summer 2007.
What school did you apply to? When should you hear back? What type of program?
For me I applied to Norfolk State University 2nd Degree BSN should hear back in March!! I should be ok, but you never know.
miss h.m
10 Posts
just waiting for the letter for the LPN course at Upper Cape Tech in Aug 2007....the suspense is killing me!!
98 Posts
I am waiting to hear back for my ADN program at Orangeburg-Calhoun Tech. I will found out in March.
91 Posts
I am waiting to hear from Suny Orange for the accelerated two-year RN (ADN?). Letters will be sent out in March/April. Good luck to everyone!!!
24 Posts
I applied to Crouse Irving Hospital School of nursing two year RN program. Should hear something in the middle of Feb. or early March.
Good Luck everyone!
145 Posts
i'm waiting to here from bristol community college or cape cod communtiy college. i won't hear till april or may:uhoh21: . it is already very hard to wait:uhoh3: ....positive thoughts, positive thoughts......
good luck to all of you!!!
we have worked soooo hard we deserve this!!!!
merry christmas and happy new year
116 Posts
I am waiting for SJSU accelerated program, starts May
MikeyJ, RN
1,124 Posts
I had applied for Spring admissions but was denied; however, I am promised admission for Summer semester! :)
I am in a BSN program at the University of Nevada Las Vegas.
40 Posts
I applied to Bridgeport Hospital School of Nursing's diploma RN program and should be hearing from them any day now. The suspense is killing me!
I have applied to Gateway Community College's ADN program; I should hear sometime in March. Both programs start in September.
I have also applied to Fairfield University's Accelerated BSN program; I should hear from them by the end of January. The program starts in June.
I'm trying to keep optimistic about all three schools.
234 Posts
So far I have fully applied to FAU and USF for their Accelerated BSN programs and am very anxiously waiting a response...but I have a while to go! February or March at least. Now that I'm done with my pre-reqs and have more time, I'm going crazy trying to apply to some backup schools at the last minute. Part of me says I'm crazy for trying to slide in right before the deadline, but another side says, "well if you don't apply you KNOW the answer is just lose a little time and $ if you try and the answer COULD be yes". Why can't they all use the same entrance test, lol. I've already taken the HESI, took the GRE yesterday, and have to take the TEAS next week. :smackingf
So far I have fully applied to FAU and USF for their accelerated BSN programs and am very anxiously waiting a response...but I have a while to go! February or March at least. Now that I'm done with my pre-reqs and have more time, I'm going crazy trying to apply to some backup schools at the last minute. Part of me says I'm crazy for trying to slide in right before the deadline, but another side says, "well if you don't apply you KNOW the answer is just lose a little time and $ if you try and the answer COULD be yes". Why can't they all use the same entrance test, lol. I've already taken the HESI, took the GRE yesterday, and have to take the TEAS next week. :smackingf
GRE? Why would a BSN program require the GRE? That is used for graduate schools.. hmm...