That's So Fetch! (Pink Wednesdays)

Specialties School

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Are you wearing your pink today?

You know I am.

It was just pointed out to me by a new student here, that I wear pink everyday. I didn't notice the hot pink fish on my green Dr Seuss top. Wait until she spots the pink humming birds on my new shoes, maybe next week, tomorrow is jeans and sweater with cute boots!

All boots are cute. I love boots.

I have an addiction to boots and shoes now! Hubs is getting annoyed.

Specializes in Pediatrics Retired.
I wear a pink onesie.

I bet that's really comfortable when you're working.

I have an addiction to boots and shoes now! Hubs is getting annoyed.

At work I wear my rainbow/leopard Danskos.

I have a boot thing, and a chunky sandal thing.

dangit! i missed it :unsure:

dangit, i missed it.

Next week, yes?

by the way, I absolutely love your signature quote...

At work I wear my rainbow/leopard Danskos.

I have a boot thing, and a chunky sandal thing.

by the way, I absolutely love your signature quote...

And I absolutely love your name and avatar.

Specializes in School nursing.
I wear a pink onesie.

That would be useful in my old, inconsistently heated school building if it were fleece lined.

I have debated getting a slanket. Because they are so cool, right?

It would be pink, of course.

That would be useful in my old, inconsistently heated school building if it were fleece lined.

I have debated getting a slanket. Because they are so cool, right?

It would be pink, of course.

I don't know. We always had Boston dressed as a superhero in the many Flu threads.

Maybe he wears a pink cape with his onesie on Wednesdays?:bag:

*googles slanket*

Specializes in School nursing.
Specializes in Pediatrics Retired.
Next week, yes?

I'm gonna wear my pink thong again next Wednesday, but this time on the inside. You'll just have to trust me.

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