That's So Fetch! (Pink Wednesdays)

Specialties School

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Are you wearing your pink today?

You know I am.

Specializes in pediatrics, school nursing.

Every year I tell myself I'm gonna make it a thing, but I always forget. Today I serendipitously wore pink pants & a pink mask and my sneakers have pink on them, too, so that counts right? Yes, this year feels crazier. Last year we got to ease into having every student in the building every day, and kids were not getting routine childhood illnesses at nearly the same rate due to everyone in our area masking virtually all the time. Now, unless they're in school, I hardly ever see kids with masks on, so all the bugs are back in town...

On another note, does anyone else ever get the urge to publish their most mundane notes with redacted information at the end of the year to show the teachers how ridiculous they are sometimes? Just to essentially let the teachers know how they sound to us sometimes? Today's winner would be "Nurse called to scene, teacher requesting temperature check; Student thought to be feeling warm. No reported symptoms, student acting at baseline" 

The class just got in from recess, so the kid was probably running around the playground. But rather than using common sense, it's just easier to call me to the classroom. And no matter how many times I educate that skin temp is not equivalent or even necessarily indicative of internal body temp, these calls keep on coming. I've never once caught a fever from these calls, and of course it's always on a non-verbal special ED kiddo. Sigh. 

Specializes in pediatrics, School LVN.

I remembered to wear pink today. This little slice of normalcy is a good thing.

Specializes in pediatrics, School LVN.

Did anyone else remember to wear pink today?

Specializes in kids.
13 minutes ago, Glitternurse said:

Did anyone else remember to wear pink today?

I have pink in my socks? But I'm technically still out on leave so I'm off the hook!! Back in the saddle next week!

Specializes in pediatrics, school nursing.

I also wore pink Star Wars socks with C-3PO on them ?


Specializes in kids.

Okey Dokey  I found it!! The new cool kid rule is pink (or faded red) on Wednesday from now till June!!! Lets try and keep this thing going!!!!!

Specializes in kids.

AND I remembered!!! Pink scrub top today!

Have an awesome day folks!

Specializes in school nursing, ortho, trauma.

tie dye t-shirt under my black scrubs.  

Specializes in pediatrics, school nursing.

Sigh, yet again I forgot. TBH, I didn't realize it was Wednesday until I left the house...

Specializes in pediatrics, School LVN.

Save a place for me at the cool kids, I have on a pink blouse and pink plaid shoes.

Thanks for digging this up nutmeggeRN.  

Specializes in kids.
10 minutes ago, Glitternurse said:

Save a place for me at the cool kids, I have on a pink blouse and pink plaid shoes.

Thanks for digging this up nutmeggeRN.  


Specializes in kids.

Two weeks in a row, woot!!

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