i live in extremely saturated area in the north east. i have experience in emergency medicine as an emt, have worked in a doctors office for 6 years as an ma going through nursing school, and worked as a nursing aid in a big hospital on many floors (icu, maternity, med surg, pedi) for a year before graduating with my bsn. i cant find a freakin job!!!! the hospital i was at would not hire a new grad, period. so, i took a job as a nurse working at a doctor’s office. i've been out of school for almost a year now and still have not had so much as a call back. i kid you not but i must have applied for over 500+ jobs. not just hospitals but i’ve applied to rehab centers, ambulatory care clinics, hospice positions and visiting nurses. i'm working with staffing agencies and have called travel nursing companies. i am petrified that as this year anniversary comes up i’m going to become the "old grad" with no experience that will be stuck working in a doctor’s office forever. i have a young family and my husband had an amazing job but we've decided to bite the bullet and move wherever we need to move so i can get that 1 year med/surg experience that every position is looking for.
point me in the right direction ladies and gents. i know that with a little bit of training i could really hit the ground running. i will do anything, work any shift on any floor. help!