Thanks be To GOD!I passed answering 265 qs


Hello. I would like to thank this website. When I was still preparing for my NCLEX-RN exam for the 4th time, I was posting my feelings that made me feel confident, not worry to much and have hope that I will pass. Finally, I passed for the 4th time.I checked the CA BON website last night to check if my name and license number is posted already. I was afraid at first and decide to wait for the mail, but I told myself, what if!... So I checked, and "TARA!!!!!!" My name is there. whohooooo!!! I was so happy, even now, I feel like I'm dreaming. I cried tears of joy. Jumped like a child, danced, shouted so loud...etc...I woke up this morning so peaceful, me and my daughter went to church. Thanks to all who replied back to my postings. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!!

I would like to share for those who answered 265 questions, hang in there, I thought I failed again, But I made it! Study saunders, kaplan, the test taking strategies and the NCSBN learning extension. Those are the reviewers that helped me pass.

Now, I'm waiting for my license to be mailed.... Thanks again! Muwah. God bless:heartbeat:heartbeat:yeah::wink2::D:coollook::bow: :nurse:

Congratulations Rn

congrats girl, you earned it. what specialty are you considering/like?

congrats girl, you earned it. what specialty are you considering/like?

Thanks !

I'm considering of working in the labor and delivery/NICU/postpartum. Actually, not sure at the moment. Do you have any suggestions or opinions for my case. I graduated last 2006 in the Philippines. I am currently working as a CNA in one of the hospitals in Santa Monica, CA.

Hmmm...What do you think? :rolleyes:

congratulations :nurse:!!!! :yeah:all that hard work is finally paid off. :up::bow:

congratulations and good luck with your career!:yeah:

Thanks !

I'm considering of working in the labor and delivery/NICU/postpartum. Actually, not sure at the moment. Do you have any suggestions or opinions for my case. I graduated last 2006 in the Philippines. I am currently working as a CNA in one of the hospitals in Santa Monica, CA.

Hmmm...What do you think? :rolleyes:

i think that would be a wonderful start, i cant give much advise as i'm not a nurse YET and havnt had much experience in those areas. but good luck, start sending out your resume and interviewing. are you going to work at your current hospital? i think that would awesome especially if you work the same floor where youve been a CNA since you are already familiar with the other nurses, procedures and unit just my two cents.

Specializes in Education, FP, LNC, Forensics, ED, OB.

congratulations, rn!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.
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