Texas Tech Traditional BSN Fall 2012

U.S.A. Texas


I'm totally new to this and I am amazed at all the information this web site provides! Is anyone else on here going to be applying for the TTU Traditional Nursing Program for the Fall 2012 semester? Also, I need to take intro to nursing and pathophysiology this Spring. Is it best just to take it at Tech? Any input would be most helpful! :D

Glad to know some of you guys are going to the Abilene campus as well, any of you guys can find me on facebook as Rehmat Rae Merchant :)

Perpkins- I have not been to the campus but I think that this campus does a lot of things through video. I noticed while I was watching the patho lectures online that they stated the Abilene campus only got to view the videos for that course and didn't have an actual lecture.

If I find anything else out I will post on here.

thanks hdoty for ur reply, well am still waiting for UTA and UTHSC admission decisions, just hope they send out letters fast so i can decide which one i want to go

Has anyone gotten any more info from Texas Tech besides the initial acceptance email?

Touring is a good idea. Since I had never been there I felt like it was important to get a feel for the town, to see if it was a place I could picture myself living. Upon arriving on the industrial side of the town, thoughts of dread entered my mind. But after we got into the real city center, I really liked the easy layout and atmosphere. Plus, I am constantly reminded of what a great school and programs it is. Have you been there before? And when are you aiming to tour?

Ditto: so exciting!

I actually went to tech my freshman year of college so I know it is a huge college town. I am still best friends with my roommate. lol I am thinking I will go visit in about three weeks because I have to give my work enough notice. I will email tom and ask about doing some kind of info session with an advisor and I will let you know what they say! I would really love to hear from some current Tech students. It is always nice to get an inside perspective :) Sigh it is time for bed! LittleMissRedRaider when are ya going to move to Lubbock?!

@RedRaiderStudent- No still have not gotten a follow up email :/ What about you?

@ LittleMissRedRaider, awesome! I can't wait to meet you! This whole experience is so surreal! Have you received any more info yet? I haven't, I find myself checking my email constantly ;)!

Does anyone know if they are done sending acceptance/denial emails?

Does anyone know if they are done sending acceptance/denial emails?

I have no clue. Does anyone else know?

Specializes in Trauma, Surgical, Burn.

Wow yall's acceptance letter came in really early this year. Congrats to all those who got accepted to the program! And for those waiting, be patient its coming lol.

I actually went to tech my freshman year of college so I know it is a huge college town. I am still best friends with my roommate. lol I am thinking I will go visit in about three weeks because I have to give my work enough notice. I will email tom and ask about doing some kind of info session with an advisor and I will let you know what they say! I would really love to hear from some current Tech students. It is always nice to get an inside perspective :) Sigh it is time for bed! LittleMissRedRaider when are ya going to move to Lubbock?!

You told me that didn't you? Sorry! Study brain, haha? Yes, it is always nice to talk with someone who has 'been there done that'! And thanks for sharing the information! I am planning on being in town in June when some of my family can help me house hunt. Depending how papers and approvals go I'd like to be settled by July, because I don't want to cut things to close to school starting and not feel ready. Wow, I am moving 8 away. Crazy!

pgevedon - I am excited to meet you too! Surreal is the perfect discription. Still haven't recieved any new e-mails! I know exactlly what ya mean; checking morning, noon, and night! Never know when they'll send it, haha.

redraider2325 - Funny, I thought the same thing! I read all of the posting from when you got in, seen here, to get a better idea of what to expect.

Specializes in Trauma, Surgical, Burn.

If ya'll have any question about the program or anything , feel free to ask me or send me a message. My schedule is pretty slow now that I have clinical out of the way :w00t:

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