Texas Extended Evaluation Program (EEP)

Nurses Recovery


Anyone out there in EEP? I just started 1.5 weeks ago. I am pretty bummed that I won't be able to have a glass of wine for the next year! I have never had a problem with drugs or alcohol, hence my assignment to EEP rather than TPAPN. Just wanted to see if anyone wanted to vent about it or share their experience. I have not been tested yet, but I am pretty nervous about the possibility of incidental exposure :sour: I am still taking one Tylenol PM per night and sometimes melatonin for sleep. I hope that doesn't create a false positive!

Anyone know what policy there is with narcs and an Rx for them?

For TPAPN and EEP you cannot take narcs while in the program period. If you get in a car accident and are given narcs in the ED, you cannot return to work until you screen negative.

TXRN2 - Do you know anyone in TPAPN who has had to go over their contract period in order to meet the testing requirements? I am asking b/c I have only been selected for testing 5 times in 4 months (one of those was dilute, so probably doesn't count). In EEP, we have to test at least 18 times in one year. That means I will need to test 13 or 14 more times in the next 8 months. I can't believe I am saying this, but I hope they get on the ball and start testing me more often!! :lol2:

Has anyone been tested for anything other than Options 1 & 3 with Quest Diagnostics?

callahan: i'm the only person i ever knew who was in TPAPN!! i had a case manager i could call about things- do you have one of those in EEP?? i usually tested twice a month- i, too, would want to get those things done so you can be through!! if you have one- i would call your case manager, good luck!!


For people in EEP, be grateful. When they say zero tolerance, they mean zero tolerance....I had to learn that the hard way. I was put into TPAPN for a trace of marijuana after a random for a patient telling the charge nurse that I was stealing her drugs. She was on Morphine, Xanax, Phenergan Temazapam, and Klonopin, mind you, a real psych case. I admitted that I smoked marijuana daily and drank beer twice a week on my days off. I was suddenly labeled Cannabis Dependent, and Alcohol Abusive, and my life has been a nightmare ever since. I was put in TPAPN and continued to drink on my days off. When they hit me with the 80 hour ETG test for alcohol, I was fired. I have been unable to secure employment, because of the restrictions that are insane, and I have been clean and sober since the start of my TPAPN program since March of 2011. I have tested 3 times a month every month but 2 of the 28 months I have been in the program at 60 bucks a piece. My mother has been gracious enough to continue paying for them even though she knows I do not need to be in this program, and we are fighting to change the rules so that they could put me in an EEP program since I have this much sobriety and time in the program. That way, they could drop the restrictions that are keeping me from being employed, and I could still work for a year to complete the program. There is no light at the end of the tunnel for me yet, but I keep praying about it. So, DO NOT DRINK either, because the ETG ECG test is an 80 hour alcohol metabolite test. Up to 5 days since your last drink is detected.

I have been in TPAPN for two years and four months, and have only gone to the lab twice in one month twice. Every other month I tested 3 times. I have been tested 3 times in 8 days, two days back to back and then 5 days later again. Different Options 1, 2, and 3 at Quest Diagnostics.

Benadryl or Diphenhydramine is what is in Tylenol PM, but I am allowed to take Benadryl on TPAPN. It's one of the few things I am allowed to take. LOL I am afraid to put anything in my mouth, because of TPAPN.

Specializes in Na.

Bethany, how did go about getting Benadryl approved?

I was in the EEP. I thought the alcohol part pertained to the DwI/DUi's. I took Nyquil before a test and it came back positive for alcohol. Now I have been dropped from the program. She offered me the TPAPN road but declined. I declined only because i got re-evaluated and still no addiction problem, what now? Please note that I have never fail a drug screen in my life other then the one in the EEP for alcohol.

Now instead of a shot at getting your record cleared after successful completion of tpapn, they will order some sort of disciplinary action. Best advice. Get a lawyer and sign nothing from the board. Request your day in court at the state office of administrative hearings. I wish I had.

Let us know what happens.

Did you find a lab that you can go to after hours and on weekends? I am about to start EEP and that's what I'm worried about because I work 7a - 7p. I talked to the "Success Manager" at Recovery Trek and she was not able to give me the names of any labs open after hours or on the weekends. She just said that if notified to test on a weekend, I need to call them at that time and they will give me the name of a lab that will be open. I want to be prepared and have the name of the labs now. I am still trying to find a lab on my own that is open then.

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