Testing for the 5th time


I am testing for the 5th time and very anxious and nervous. Don't know what I'm doing wrong.I have used Saunders comprehensive,gone through Kaplan still I can't make it. Guys I need your help and insight on what to do, I'm tired of failing.Does any body know about this book exam cram and the latest editon out there in the market,I learnt it's good.Whatever help I can get will be appreciated,including your prayers too.

I am using exam cram with Kaplan. I really like exam cram. You take three pretest and it gives you an analysis where your weak areas are. You then do an adaptive test in the areas where you did poorly. You can check this book out in the library. I got my copy from the library. My friend who is a RN told me that help her pass the exam on her third try.

When I took Kaplan, my instructor stated that we needed to know the content of the subject area. If we know content then we will be able to pass the exam. You need to make sure you know your content before. Kaplan does not work on this, but I heard Hurst review course does. When I took my exam, I just did question after question but probably were weak in three content areas and failed. I know this time I am more prepared and will pass.

Good luck with your studies.

I used learningext.com its written by ncsbn the same people that write the nclex test. check them out. good luck! peace

hi there,

i am sorry to hear that. But to be honest with you, stop buying too many books. I didn't buy books on my second time and i am waiting for the result, according to PVT i passed. I used three books: Illustrated nclex review, la charity, kaplan's pocket medications. But i did go over the lists of diseases listed in our medsurg book.

anyway, what i did was i reviewed each diseases that was listed in medsurg first. i read the nursing cares and interventions;Then i picked up one of my NCLEX review book by...which i don't remember authur's names but its published my mosby's "Illustrated nclex rn review". I read each chapter again. I did questions from back of that chapter about 25- 30 questions. i READ rationales for each options listed not only wrong ones. After I completed this book in about three weeks, i did saunder's cd questions. I didn't have saunder's book. Now, my final approach, i bought LA charity's prioritization, delegation and assignment "best practice book ever". I took my time in understanding rationales and not others.Hats off to la charity book for good practice on priortization,delegation and assignments.

I didn't rush on studying and trying to practice 5000 questions for nclex which i totally don't agree with it. I had practice 4000 questions in my first try didn't help a bit. My second approach was different. I had promised myself not to rush during nclex exam and if you are not stopped in 75 then you are getting a chance to pass,u have not failed so better read each questions and try to answer carefully. I am sorry for big msg here. But, please review each chapters without hurry, and do questions as you go on, then at last, you can do comprehensive questions. You will sure make it through...I hope this helps a bit. Try to buy la charity book for practice questions...

good luck to you and you will make this time.

Don't forget to work on your relaxation techniques and remember to get good rest (ha, ha) and eat well the morning of the exam. Wishing you good luck.

sorry to hear that but wish you all the best

Specializes in L & D, Med-Surge, Dialysis.

Wish you all the best!!!

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