Testing soon and need your feedback


This will be my second time taking the Nclex. The first time I used Kaplan. This time I used what was left of my Kaplan, Nclex 3500, Saunders and Mosby. WHile taking Kaplan I was in the 50 range the first time. Now I am getting 52-68. While using Nclex 3500 I am scoring in the 60+. What is a good range for NCLEX 3500. Any inout will be greatly appreciated.


I retake my NCLEX-RN this friday and first time I also just used Kaplan.

the second time around I reviewed the kaplan's videos, kaplan questions as well but I would suggest Lacharity questions because prioritization is a huge part of the test if you haven't practice those type of questions - that book should help.

Don't get caught up on your scores - scores might predict you will do well but there is never a guarantee...just focus on how much of content review you have done regarding basic things like mechanical ventilation, oxygen, use of MDI...situations of delegation as welll....

Specializes in med surg home care PEDS.

Prorities, priorities and more, that along with delegation and precautions, contact, airborne, etc were the majority of my test, I only did ATI, however, I had a great professor last semester who put a lot of priorities on our tests all semester.

Thank you guys.. I pray that when I do the PVT it will give me the good pop up this time....

When do you take the test?

Next Wednesday

Good luck on your upcoming test.

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