Published Sep 30, 2005
225 Posts
Ok it's Friday and taking the RN boards on Monday. Starting to feel weird all over. not sure what to do this weekend. Need to do a little venting so decided to tell my adventures getting to this point after graduating. First, I graduated in December 2003. I had a ticket for driving without a lic. From 10 years past on my record. In California this is a misdemeanor so i have a criminal record. This means, I had to go through the diversions program like someone with an assault or drunk driving or other like offense. Same ticket today would only be a infraction not a misdemeanor. Anyway after going through all paper work and waiting a year went by. I studied about a month and took the exam back in april. Failed it with 265 questions. So I took a couple months off. Then I made flashcards from my review book on everything. I mean everything, I reworded everything, did I mention everything, in a question that best helped me "get it". Spent about a month and a half doing this. Making anywhere from 50-200 flash caards with 2-4 question on each a day. I don't know how many of these flash cards I have but it's into the thousands. Had them in stacks in peds, ob, psyc ect.. and went through them one by one not trying to focus hard on anyone just beginning to take out the ones I readily knew. It took about 2-3 week to go through them once. After that I went through them again still not really focusing hard but removing the easy ones I missed from before. This time I took one from each stack and made them in mixed piles. Separated them in smaller piles and reviewed one stack till I felt ok (not good) just ok about it. Kept doing this focusing more and more tell I got to a few hundred cards. Divided these into 3 stacks. One for meds, one for describing, assessment, s/s and DX results type questions, and one for treatments, interventions type questions. Going over these again and again. About 2-3 weeks ago I decided to start with questions. I have two disks I use with about 2500 questions. Was getting 80% average on one and 73% average on the other one. Signed up for the Moby's CAT test and took the first one like it was the real test. I got butterflies and everything. Stopped at 75 questions, got a 94% with a 0.124 level. So I rescheduled my exam. Every test I have took on the CAT stopped at 75 questions and level of diff. has gone up a lot on each test. Friends came from 4 different countries came to visit for 3 days. Ended up getting going out and got drunk Saturday before the test (test was on that Wednesday 9/28/05). Big mistake, I changed the test date to this Monday 10/03 at 1:00pm. I now have got the last two CAT tests results at .664 and .666 level and 99%. Still getting 75%- 80% on my other disks. Did find my weakness, you guessed it I am a guy and OB/peds is my weak points. Focusing on those the past 2 days think that is the reason for my increase in test scores. I did find that I did not start to get repeat questions until like test number 4-5. I think because I keep going up a lot on difficulty level with each test. Noticed that repeat questions started to appear when I got stuck on a certain level. I study during the day on weak points and tested at night the past few days. Didn't review tell the next day. Then I reviewed first thing before studying (flash cards I made). Now it's Friday. I have 2 day to go. Feel like I was ready yesterday, but then again not sure i am ready now. Don't know what to do, just take test questions or keep doing the same (going over myself made cards and testing). Don't want to over do it. But don't want to lose any focus. I have nothing going on this week end. No work no play nothing just getting ready. So what should I do keep studying all day or scale it back and end up doing nothing, or just a little on Sunday (have football to distract me) the day before?????? Any advice will be greatly appreciated.
43 Posts
It is good to hear you are doing all you can to pass the NCLEX. I would suggest continue doing questions until tomorrow night. Or maybe Sunday afternoon. I stopped doing questions the day before my exam ... at around 3 - 4 pm then I vegged on the couch and watched TV for the rest of the evning. It seems as if you are doing good on your Mosby's CAT. Note that it stops at 75 questions everytime so it can show you the probability. Also ... if you want to see what subject the CAT program wants you to study more then they ask you to do another set of 75 making it a total of 150. So far your scores are good! on my first try i got a 82%. and then 50% for the second try.
You are doing great! Keep on doing questions on the computer ..! You can do this!!! let us know what happens.
17 Articles; 45,833 Posts
Ok it’s Friday and taking the RN boards on Monday. Starting to feel weird all over. not sure what to do this weekend. Need to do a little venting so decided to tell my adventures getting to this point after graduating. First, I graduated in December 2003. I had a ticket for driving without a lic. From 10 years past on my record. In California this is a misdemeanor so i have a criminal record. This means, I had to go through the diversions program like someone with an assault or drunk driving or other like offense. Same ticket today would only be a infraction not a misdemeanor. Anyway after going through all paper work and waiting a year went by. I studied about a month and took the exam back in april. Failed it with 265 questions. So I took a couple months off. Then I made flashcards from my review book on everything. I mean everything, I reworded everything, did I mention everything, in a question that best helped me “get it”. Spent about a month and a half doing this. Making anywhere from 50-200 flash caards with 2-4 question on each a day. I don’t know how many of these flash cards I have but it’s into the thousands. Had them in stacks in peds, ob, psyc ect.. and went through them one by one not trying to focus hard on anyone just beginning to take out the ones I readily knew. It took about 2-3 week to go through them once. After that I went through them again still not really focusing hard but removing the easy ones I missed from before. This time I took one from each stack and made them in mixed piles. Separated them in smaller piles and reviewed one stack till I felt ok (not good) just ok about it. Kept doing this focusing more and more tell I got to a few hundred cards. Divided these into 3 stacks. One for meds, one for describing, assessment, s/s and DX results type questions, and one for treatments, interventions type questions. Going over these again and again. About 2-3 weeks ago I decided to start with questions. I have two disks I use with about 2500 questions. Was getting 80% average on one and 73% average on the other one. Signed up for the Moby’s CAT test and took the first one like it was the real test. I got butterflies and everything. Stopped at 75 questions, got a 94% with a 0.124 level. So I rescheduled my exam. Every test I have took on the CAT stopped at 75 questions and level of diff. has gone up a lot on each test. Friends came from 4 different countries came to visit for 3 days. Ended up getting going out and got drunk Saturday before the test (test was on that Wednesday 9/28/05). Big mistake, I changed the test date to this Monday 10/03 at 1:00pm. I now have got the last two CAT tests results at .664 and .666 level and 99%. Still getting 75%- 80% on my other disks. Did find my weakness, you guessed it I am a guy and OB/peds is my weak points. Focusing on those the past 2 days think that is the reason for my increase in test scores. I did find that I did not start to get repeat questions until like test number 4-5. I think because I keep going up a lot on difficulty level with each test. Noticed that repeat questions started to appear when I got stuck on a certain level. I study during the day on weak points and tested at night the past few days. Didn’t review tell the next day. Then I reviewed first thing before studying (flash cards I made). Now it’s Friday. I have 2 day to go. Feel like I was ready yesterday, but then again not sure i am ready now. Don’t know what to do, just take test questions or keep doing the same (going over myself made cards and testing). Don’t want to over do it. But don’t want to lose any focus. I have nothing going on this week end. No work no play nothing just getting ready. So what should I do keep studying all day or scale it back and end up doing nothing, or just a little on Sunday (have football to distract me) the day before?????? Any advice will be greatly appreciated.
Hello, thatoneguy,:Melody:
I suggest you back off a little. At least tonight. Leave it be. Relax. Watch some TV. Enjoy talking on the phone, working a crossword puzzle, listening to CDs........
Now tomorrow, study. Study in your problematic areas first and see how you do. Then go over a few questions in areas where you think you need to study. Leave the areas alone that you have mastered. Then, relax with a little football or baseball.
On Sunday, you can study a little ...just a little, but, in the afternoon, put the books away and watch football, baseball, again.
Eat a good supper and get plenty of rest and sleep Sunday night. On Monday morning, eat a light breakfast.
I'll bet you do just fine this time. You have maintained focus and found your problematic areas. You have shown great determination.
Good luck.
DianeS, RN
284 Posts
Good luck!!
Hugs to you.
thanks everyone, i think i will just sit back tonight. i feel like i need it. funny thing is this time i am more focused on doing good than passing. last time i was close getting 265 questions. the report that come with the bad news said near passing on with only a month of review and having to wait almost 1.5 years after graduating to take it. this time i studied everything more so than when i was in school. i know i know a lot more. i feel like i just graduated again and everything is fresh, mainly patho. but that makes me feel like i am thinking to confidently. i know better than to underestimate the boards. see what i mean feeling weird. i like your plan siri. no dout a night off will do me some good. ok time to do something thanks everyone will let you know how it goes.
Good deal then. Now, if you are a wise one, you will pull for the Yankees. :balloons: I will wish on you good things if you do that. But, if you don't...... :chuckle :angryfire :)
Just kidding. Enjoy your night of rest and relaxation.:)
Also ... if you want to see what subject the CAT program wants you to study more then they ask you to do another set of 75 making it a total of 150.
You are doing great! Keep on doing questions on the computer ..! You can do this!!! let us know what happens.thanks again:D
Good deal then. Now, if you are a wise one, you will pull for the Yankees. :balloons: I will wish on you good things if you do that. But, if you don't...... :chuckle :angryfire :) Just kidding. Enjoy your night of rest and relaxation.:)
well i guess i can do that for now. but beware when the yanks meet up the angels.:smiley_ab cause its on. until then this ones on me:cheers:
122 Posts
I agree with siri, back off a little bit to avoid mind confusion when answering question on examination day, it will give you more time to relax too for doing this. :chair:
You're on!!!!
:yelclap: way to go YANKEE'S. nice job. ok i did my part and everything turnned out just the way you wanted it. now it's your turn and there is only one way i want it to turn out. alrighty then until next time cya.
:yelclap: way to go yankee's. nice job. ok i did my part and everything turnned out just the way you wanted it. now it's your turn and there is only one way i want it to turn out. alrighty then until next time cya.
hi, thatoneguy,:balloons:
i was in class all day, teaching pals, so missed the game, but, ......
:melody::w00t: all right, yankees!!! :melody: :w00t:
you kept your end, so your wish is my command......