So, I am actually an ER technician and was recently terminated for suturing a patient. I was under the supervision of the MD, but still terminated for practising outside of my job scope. I actually wasn't aware of the possibility of me getting fired over it, and simply took it as something new to learn. I have seen all over the internet that many ER technicians are able to do basic sutures, but not able to find out much information beyond that. The job scope set in place at my former hospital was very ambiguous and I am currently trying to get my job back. I miss the nurses and the doctors that I worked with and truly don't think I deserved the termination, especially since I was directly supervised by the ER doc.
Any insight given would be truly appreciated... Am I doomed or are there certain things I should know that would help me get my job back? It may even seem dumb that I am fighting for such a job, but I really enjoyed helping people and I really think that my time in the ER so far has helped me become a better person. I have two bachelor's degrees, and I am going to medical school next year, and I really want my job back, a job that only requires a semester at a junior college. Why? I miss it...