teamwork and job satisfaction


Specializes in ER, ICU, Education.

Does the teamwork on you unit effect your job satisfaction? If so how? Is teamwork important to you? Thanks in advance for any replys. I do not wnat to influence the replys by asking too many questions.:stone

Specializes in Med/Surge.
Does the teamwork on you unit effect your job satisfaction? If so how? Is teamwork important to you? Thanks in advance for any replys. I do not wnat to influence the replys by asking too many questions.:stone

Yes, for me, very much so. It affects me b/c usually if you don't have teamwork you have alot of "backbiting" going on and you lose focus of the goal that you are trying to attain which as a nurse is providing the best care that you can for your patients. :D

Specializes in Rural Health.

There is no "I" in us, we or teamwork for that matter.

Yes, it's very important to me. Without it, you are doing the job of 50 people by yourself, burnout is high, you are miserable.

I've had jobs in HC that there was no team approach to anything. People would sit at the desk and bark orders or hunt someone down before doing something themselves. I've also worked at places where it was nothing but teamwork...I have to say the latter made me MUCH happier.


I see resentment, finger pointing, defeat and apathy in individuals when there is a lack of teamwork. Teamwork is important to me because each member from top to bottom contributes valuable insight to enhance quality of care. Team accomplishments have always felt better to me than individual ones. It is very satisfying to share and celebrate our strengths together.


Specializes in tele, stepdown/PCU, med/surg.

Teamwork absolutely affects me on the job. When I'm having a really stressful job and someone offers to help, smiles at me, makes a joke to lighten to mood, I feel like I can make it through the shift no matter what arises.

I agree with all the above posts.

We are fortunate to be a great team. That is why many of us have worked together for decades. We welcome new hires too. We work together whether we are housekeeping, secretary, or caregiver.

Teamwork is absolutely important. It makes everyone's life easier. That is why many places call it a treatment team. And besides, no one person is expected to know everything. It is important to patient care and safety for us to work together. If there is simething I am unsure of on my unit, I ask someone else who I think will know the answer, and vice versa. It is to everyone's benefit for us to "put our heads together" for the best outcome possible.

yes i do agree with team work. especially when you're working the hardest unit.

Specializes in Med-Surg.

I couldn't do it alone. Teamwork is very much tied up in my job satisfaction.

Specializes in Education, Acute, Med/Surg, Tele, etc.

I believe in good teamwork! There is always so much to do that it is essential that everyone pitch in and help eachother! And to tell you the truth, if I am not busy...I enjoy filling in my time helping another CNA or RN that is overwhelmed and they are very appreciative!

Since I started working at a hospital where teamwork is valued most...I am so very happy with my job! I am agency and they took me in right away and I felt like I was valued and in the right place for my goals!

I think it is very important and not only does wonders for satisfaction in the workplace, but the patients get the wonderful benifits of employees that are happy, helpful, and cheery!

Specializes in certified med tech and Lpn.

I am a CNA/CMT in a LTC facility and just the other day, I had another aide tell me I was going to another floor an hour after I had started working on the top floor. I had my group already and had toileted everyone and was about to give my shower. She stated that the nurse on call and herself was going downstairs to get up "my group" and then I would go down there. I refused. It was only because thoso two wanted to work together. I told them that if they were going down to get "my group" up that they should just stay down there. There is absolutely no reason that the other nurse couldn't work downstairs other than the fact that she hates 2nd floor. Too bad!! They told me I needed to be a team player and I said " Why? So you don't have to be? If you had asked me at the start of the shift, I would have gladly gone downstairs. But you are not pulling me an hour after it starts when there is no emergency reason to do so. I'm sorry." They respected me more at the end of the night b/c of it. Do you think I handled it right?

Specializes in Nursing assistant.

I think that teamwork satisfaction is really characteristic of certain personality types. Some folks just concentrate better, and produce more, when they operate independent of others. I think this is a legitimate way to function, and I find it quite admirable.

Personally, teamwork is fun to me. I am one of those crazies that thrive in a social environment. I take coffee to my patients and nurses, just because I like to see people smile. I am sure I drive some people crazy. Just seems I have more energy when I interact. I wasn't the best NA around (by a long shot!), but I was the happiest!

So, for me, team work greatly enhances my workplace satisfaction. One reason I would rather be in a facility than home health. Love my home health patients and there family, but it is a bit too :zzzzz quiet.

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