Tarrant County College Fall 2012

U.S.A. Texas


So I think we are well into the application period so, surely it is time to start up this board. I can not wait until we hear back in May. Trying to keep very busy while waiting. Good luck to everyone applying!! Hopefully we can keep each other company here and celebrate our successes!!

The number I saw for nursing questions was 817-515-2339

oooh maybe we should email..

I just called 817-515-2453 and the woman said "They are now scheduled to go out next week." :(

Well, that's 2 different numbers, so.... bummer!!

I'm so glad y'all called!

Hey everyone! I emailed the same question to one of the nursing advisors at tcc few weeks ago, and she said the results go out after the 1st week in May-- to your email. That's what she said so I don't know..

Well, at least we are 1 & 1/2 days down for this week! lol I'm trying to be positive!

Ok, for my sanity I have to get off this computer!

My husband has been on a month long business trip & will be home Friday. I think he is seriously worried about me sleeping all of the time! He just texted me, "When I get home, we'll do somethin really fun, ok?" haha

That's very sweet, but sorry, I know nothing is going to help! Even though they said next week, I know I will keep checking like always.

We have a teenager in the house & there is no shortage of junk food here. While I'm home, I have to stay out of the kitchen & I'm not in class right now, so I'm sooo bored!

Glad I have y'all to go through this with

I wish I could be sleeping the time away..sounds wonderful

I know, but I have one son who is away in college and one who is in high school. I feel like they don't really need me any more (like an empty-nester). My younger son is in spring training after school, so he doesn't even get home until 6:30. I have a football booster club meeting tonight, but that's it. I loved being a stay-at-home mom, but if I could do it all over, I think I would have timed this to where I started nursing school about the time he started jr high. Suddenly, I'm a lot less involved in volunteer work and so I'm just waiting! Ugh

I sleep all the time too, esp when I'm stressed! But I also have low vitamin D levels, so when my doctor puts me on prescription vitamin D I have so much more energy and I sleep normally. I haven't taken any lately (not even my multi vitamin like I should) and its just been way too hot & humid to go sit outside in the sun this past week... that may also be why I'm sleeping so much lol

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