Tarrant County College Fall 2012

U.S.A. Texas


So I think we are well into the application period so, surely it is time to start up this board. I can not wait until we hear back in May. Trying to keep very busy while waiting. Good luck to everyone applying!! Hopefully we can keep each other company here and celebrate our successes!!

lol!! maamcdonald! very funny!

b&c- i think anything to help pass the time is very worth it!!

i love helping anyone i can, and i have always loved anything to do with "health." my mother is a dietitian, and i have about 5 nurses in my family and a cousin who's in medical school (so i guess, some kind of health care was in my blood!) i am obsessed with prevention magazine and i love reading and learning about anything like that... so a few years ago i had to go to the er and the nurse was an older man, but he was the best nurse i've ever seen! he was so kind, and i knew he really knew what he was doing! you could tell he was a nurse because he loved it and not because of the money. i'll never forget him, he was such an inspiration to me!! i also love the fact that there is so much you can do as a nurse. i'll never get bored! :)

OMG... How does she even know it'll be the end of next week? I'm starting to think they just say what ever comes to their mind at the time...

are you serious Kate!! I can't decide if I want to cry or throw up! I hope they were wrong, but who knows, no one has ever been able to get the same answer

I did cry when I hung up the phone. It is wrong that they cannot tell us a firm date at this point in time. It scares me that this is going to be our nursing program (hopefully) and they are this unorganized - people wise telling all of us random dates.

I am sorry to bring all of y'all down - I wish I hadn't called and I pray she is wrong. She sounded like she was about 19 or 20 years old...not that that makes a difference but maybe she has just been told to say whatever and she is just in charge of answering phones..?

One can only hope.

That's what I think, the people answering really don't know much more than you or I, and are just there to answer the phones... when I turned in my application, I was walking out and I had a question so I asked the girls at the front desk to see if they could answer it, and one of them kind of got mad at me (lol) and was pretty rude to me and ended up calling the counselor out there to "deal with me" (at least that's what it seemed like to me) like she was irritated that I even asked her anything lol...

Okay, I went back and watched the information slide show from the website, and it's says all applicants will be notified accepted, rejected, or alternate by may 1st!

I'm slightly frustrated. I wish there was a straight answer! I'm still hoping for today! Those ppl at the desk aren't sending out the emails anyways...

Yep, a couple places say May 1st and another place says "in May." I feel sick over this. I wish there was a way to actually talk to the nursing department but I guess it wouldn't matter anyway. We have been strung along for over a month now. I guess I need to give it a rest but I am so frustrated and hate things that are completely out of my control!!

I just wonder who Caitlyn spoke to that said we would have an email by the end of the day today or else would need to call. That sounds more like an actual adviser or something, IDK..

Y'all!! Seriously, next week???? I thought someone called just yesterday and they said it would be "tomorrow". This is crazy, but I've been sleeping a TON over the last couple of days. Hahah, guess that's how I've been dealing with it (weird). I just was getting so stressed, I was literally scared to check my cc. Guess I can settle down now if it's not even goin to be 'til next week

There is a phone number at the end of the information presentation. it says to call that number for nursing program questions. Is that the one that you called?

That's what I was about to ask! I also found two other numbers that are on the nursing section where the address is that says "Healthcare Professions Division" 817-515-2453 and 817-515-1055, and there is a cc email [email protected]. Has anyone called these numbers? I think I might email that and see if they say anything back...

I called 817-515-2339

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