Published Jul 7, 2016
18 Posts
Hi folks
Ill be taking my Nclex Rn in July 15. I have studied Nclex Mastery App, La Charity and Uworld.
Percentages are 57%-66% overall in study materials. What are my chances of passing?
I copied down rationales i did not know about... memorized labs and have been praying to God!!
Be nice and respectful please
Pangea Reunited, ASN, RN
1,547 Posts
Does than mean I'm just supposed to tell you what you want to hear?
You will find good company here:
Good luck on your test!
No. It means dont be an ******* and thank you for the link.
OrganizedChaos, LVN
1 Article; 6,883 Posts
Meow hiss!
roser13, ASN, RN
6,504 Posts
Do you think we all have crystal balls?
Seriously, how on earth could a bunch of online strangers guess at your chances?
Oh well, I'll bite.
You studied how many hours?!!! You'll pass fur sure!!
Silverdragon102, BSN
1 Article; 39,477 Posts
Moved to the NCLEX forum
I just wanted a bit of support thats all. !! Geezz ����
468 Posts
Laura, we can't tell you what your chances are of passing because we don't know anything about you as a person, your study habits, the questions you'll get on the exam, etc. That's all people are trying to say. What do we think your chances are of passing? We don't know. We can't know.
It sounds like you studied so I'm sure you'll be at least somewhat prepared, but beyond that we can't predict the future. Do explore the site a little. Pangea offered a good link. Relax the night before the test and do something fun for yourself. Best of luck and, if you do poorly, don't beat yourself up. Just dust yourself off and try again. Take care.
343 Posts
Hi folks Ill be taking my Nclex Rn in July 15. I have studied Nclex Mastery App, La Charity and Uworld. Percentages are 57%-66% overall in study materials. What are my chances of passing?I copied down rationales i did not know about... memorized labs and have been praying to God!! Be nice and respectful please
As others have said, no one knows you, so it's impossible to say if you'll pass or not. Your scores do seem good, however. I will say this: If you were confident throughout nursing school, and paid attention, you should do OK. If you're one of those that second-guesses themselves, or goes back and changes answers and gets brain-freezing test anxiety, you'll probably be taking NCLEX more than once.
Thanks i know it was sword of a dumb question. I guess you arw right. And yes i feel.confident on the material i have studied. Ill be posting my results
15 Posts
I took it yesterday and passed. I looked at it like the NCLEX as that friend you had a rocky friendship and left on bad terms. You have 2 options: Make up and be friends again or fail to fix the friendship. I did UWorld finished with a 49%, but also did NCLEX Mastery constantly, a huge Saunders book that was like 1500 pages so I glanced at it now n them. I also had NCSBN learningext which I used now n then. The day before feel good about yourself feel confident. I went to the library for some reason to look up last minute lab values that of course weren't on the exam, but I felt I needed to know, answered a few more questions, watched some silly youtube videos, and then went to a lake and fed some ducks. Exercise is great too! On the drive there listen to get pumped happy music (I listened to Prince all the way up there) telling myself this is my day I can do it. You get there and people are starting to arrive everyone just as nervous as you and you exchange how you studied tips or just keep to yourself. Nerves are high, but your not alone. Get there get registered nice people all around. You sit down put on the headphones and start clicking and its over. Mine stopped at 95. Let me tell you that 24-48 hour wait is the toughest part. You have self doubt, rationalization, and acceptance accelerated at a ridiculous speed. I woke up at 8A because people say the BON will post it at 8:01A if you passed. 8:01 passed nothing......8:03A nothing....... Feelings getting heavier, and then 8:09A and a little word pops on the screen PASSED. And boom your an RN!
42 Posts
The only thing you can do is study and try to breathe if you feel yourself panicking. I just got my results today, and let me tell you, I walked out KNOWING I'd failed. 263 questions (literally all of my friends were under 100 and most at 75) and I DID NOT get the "good pop-up" when I did the PVT. I spent 2 miserable days beating myself up...wondering why I wasted 4 years, student loan debt, and missing out on family moments for nothing. I cried and apologized to my husband repeatedly. All of my friends kept saying "everyone feels that way, I'm sure you did fine," but nothing could change my mind. Guess what - I WAS WRONG. I did pass. No one on here can tell you if you will pass, you simply need to clear your head, breathe, pray, and trust that everything you've learned will help you. I'm not going to sugar-coat it...It will be the longest 2 days of your life until you see the quick results or your name on your BON website, but have some faith in yourself. Good Luck!